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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. yum beer

    Samuel Smiths Pale Ale recipe help

    Does any body have a recipe or know of a good attempt at this beer, it is yummo and I have not been able to get in the ball park with my attempts. I have not gleaned any info from anywhere and am probably being a little lazy but hoping someone has done some work and can help.
  2. yum beer

    Port Macquarie, where to eat and drink?

    Heading to Port this weekend with the family and in-laws to watch SWMBO's brothers in the Ironman. We are staying at Lake Cathie and I'm hoping some locals may be able to advise good spots for eats and drinks. i.e Pizza/Italian for Friday take away. Heading to Timbertown on Saturday with...
  3. yum beer

    Amarillo - new season coming.

    Just received an e-mail from Hops Direct in the good 'ol US of A, new season crops are all picked and Amarillo pellets will be released 1st November. The wait is almost over. Apparently the growing season wasn't the best, a bit dry and hotter than normal but they are happy with the crop.
  4. yum beer

    New mash tun....first brew today...

    Finally, after much waiting I have got my mash tun photo's so you have to picture.... techni-ice 40 litre courtesy of brother for birthday...been sitting around for a few months. Some copper pipe, assorted tees, elbows, various washers, taps, barbs.......... first brew day in it...
  5. yum beer

    Eats around Central, Sydney.

    The wife is going to Sydney tomorow for a work conference with a few co-workers. Can anyone suggest a good place in Chinatown they can get dinner Tuesday night and somewhere around the Central area for dinner Wednsesday night. Country girls who probably aren't going to wanna walk too far. Cheers...
  6. yum beer

    1kg Cascade to swap.

    Just recieved an order in and the supplier has thrown in 1kg of 2012 6.2%AA Cascade pellets. I dont need them, I have a heap already(way more than I will use in the foreseeable). Looking to swap all or part of these. I would really like to get hold of some Bramling Cross, Northdown and Topaz but...
  7. yum beer

    DMS in my brew, throw or wait.

    Brewed up a lager on Sunday and due to faffing about with SWMB helped to do all sorts of shit whilst I am trying to brew.....the brew did not go to plan. Mash went fine, boil not so much. In the carry on I did not check on the time of me pre-hop boil....should have been about50 minutes(no...
  8. yum beer

    Gage Roads London Best...recipe Ideas

    I know this beer has not received a lot of glowing support, but recently I discovered by necessity....only beer in cc'ing fridge, hot day....that this is a mighty fine drop when served very cold and one is quite parched. Anyway, does anybody have any ideas on recipe formulation for this, or has...
  9. yum beer

    Wheat Beer.

    I have made some changes to my planned brewing schedule.. :o ...and I have got to the stage of doing my first wheat, which was planned to be 55/45 with Pilsener malt, but now the only Base I have of enough quantity is Golden Promise. Im keen to give it a crack, I need to stock up some summer...
  10. yum beer

    20 Litre Drum, Breathable Lid?

    I picked up a 20 litre cube/drum from work that had contained sodium hypochlorite, drum is great size for putting into my fridge without having to take a heap of stuff at to ferment. The lid has lug type insert with 2 holes on the underside and a small hole in the lid, it looks to me like it...
  11. yum beer

    Stuffed Up, Too Much Hops.what To Do.

    Put down a porter on Tuesday and only just realised that I used twice as much hops as needed......was doing 2 half batches but used full amount of hops. Original IBU was meant to be 40, now gonna be 80. How bitter will this brew be, will it be too bitter or might it be drinkable? What...
  12. yum beer

    Choc Malt, How Much Do I Need

    getting organised to put down a porter/stout as my next batch...first Im getting my system worked out, last brew hit all numbers at 70%. anyway, I have enjoyed Mildura brewing Choc Hops and Youngs Double Chocolate Stout recently and would like to get that noticable chocolate...
  13. yum beer

    Four Pines Free Stout

    Just got an e-mail from For Pines, they have won best stout in a recent beer awards..bla.bla.bla, anyway they have put on a keg of stout free to any members on their website.....\ may be some of you folk in the area this arvo who might be able to partake...dont imagine it will last long. I...
  14. yum beer

    40 Litre Kettle, What Size Burner

    Im looking at upsizing to a 40 litre stockpot for BIAB, I currently use a 19 litre pot on an old stove in the garage but theres no way it will puch a bigger pot to a rolling boil. I have found 2 ring burners, 20mj on E-Bay, will it be enough for 40 litre pot.
  15. yum beer

    Staright To The Pool Room...

    scored a pool table on ebay last night for $66, freakin sweet, been looking for months for something cheap and local to fill a hole in the bar, yee haa, early happy birthday for me.
  16. yum beer

    Vanilla, When To Add

    I am looking to add some vanilla to my next batch but am unsure when is the best time to add it my brew. I will be using whole beans and thinking of either putting the split bean into the mash..not sure if this will extract enough from the bean.... or to boil it in a litre of water and add...
  17. yum beer

    Wyeast 1728, Scottish Ale, Any Advice

    putting down a scottish ale(innis & gunne type) this weekend, will be using 1728, has anybody used this yeast and can offer some advice on temp range, attenuation, says estery at higher temps, pack suggests 13-24c..was thinking of 18c, I want it fairly clean to allow oak chip...
  18. yum beer

    2 Row British Lager Malt, Options

    Looking at a recipe from Clone Brews and it calls for 2 row British lager malt, is this known as something else or what can I use instead, what is a similar grain.
  19. yum beer

    Grand Ridge Bitter, No Fizz, What The?

    Grab a bottle out today, from a 6 variety pack I bought myself for christmas, anyway bottle looks like a twist top so I grab the lid and twist, lid turns but doesnt come off, :blink: . I grab an opener and crack the lid, its a crown seal, ok now Im concerned, why did the lid turn so easily, I...
  20. yum beer

    Last K&k, Euro Toucan, Any Thoughts.

    Have decided after xmas to go all in and commit to AG/BIAB, have done a couple of small batches and all went well, looking to go bigger. Anyway I have a can of Morgans Golden Saaz Pilsner in the cupboard, thought I might throw it in with a can of Coopers Euro Lager to try for something with a...