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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Equipment For Sale All grain brewing set up for sale (Melbourne)

    Up for sale is my beloved home brew setup. It's a great set up and has produced beers that have won awards at Vicbrew, I'm only selling because I've upgraded to a Braumeister to save time and space. I'm pretty flexible on price I just really want it to go to someone who's going to keep making...
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    Why is my coopers cloudy?

    So I'm sitting in a pub enjoying a pot of coopers pale, lovely. But why is it so cloudy on draft? The yeast in my beer at home would have well and truly settled.
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    Removing dms

    So I was sampling some of dads kolsch and it was awful, just awful. I just couldn't figure out what the problem was, didn't taste infected, until I came down to do a brew with him this weekend. He's been covering the kettle during the boil to "stop bugs getting in the beer". Now being a...
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    Gardening Australia, turning your hops into an abomination!

    So the latest Gardening Australia magazine had an article on hops, it included this handy how to guide for all grain brewing, it seems we've all been doing it completely wrong all these years! You will need: Brewing kit, stove, large pot, spoon, measuring cup, malt, grain, water, hops, sodium...
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    Jockey Box, Keg and regulator

    I was talking to a bloke from work the other day about brewing and he tried to sell me his jockey box set up, I wasn't keen but I told him if I could keep the pluto gun i would try and find him a buyer so here it is He's looking for $350, includes the box, 20 l keg, regulator and a couple of...
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    Vienna with saaz

    So as the title suggests... Ive got some left over Munich and Pils malt plus a shitload of home grown Saaz. I was thinking of getting some Vienna Malt and making a Vienna Lager. Main aim here is to use up the hops and older malts whilst growing up a nice healthy batch of yeast to have a bit...
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    what type of burner

    Some help on this would be appreciated I'm putting in a laundry in our carport and have taken the opportunity to make it a bit more brewery friendly, including putting in a natural gas point. I'm looking at a couple of different burners from this mob...
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    Bulk Priming before Largering

    I think i have been having an issue with wild yeast getting into some of my bottles so I have decided to put my priming sugar into boiling water to sterilize it. I plan on Largering the beer (its a pils) in a keg and then replacing the beer tap with a bottling wand and bottling after a month...
  9. L

    Dry hopping after kegging

    So my old man got 50 L of beer from some ubrewit sort of mob, any way it was allegedly an IPA but very, very light on the hops. It's already kegged and carbonated, so could I grab some hop pellets and chuck them in?
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    Getting the most out of my fermenting fridge

    So the cold weather is upon us and it’s time to get into the larger’s, however I only have one chest freezer with a SCT-1000 to work with. Given amount of time a Pilsner or an Oktoberfest need to cold condition the ugly spectre of running out of beer can raise its terrifying head. So I want to...
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    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    So I just finished (well sort of) my second brew in a row with a stuck sparge and I'm buggered if I can figure out why it’s happening. I have done about 10 brews with my current set up and no issues until wham two in a row. My first attempt at a Brown Ale ended in disaster, stuck like glue, so I...
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    Lager Starter

    I went to the Bright Brewery the other day and did the brewery tour (highly recommend), I got talking to the brewer about the difficulty of the huge starter you need to get a lager going and he spoke about some of the ideas he had if they were to ever do a proper lager. Later I was thinking...
  13. L

    Will This Taste Like Cider

    My misses has decided that she likes this cider with ginger in it and as it happened i had a 5 litre starter (bohemian pils) sitting on the kitchen table. So i shot off to the supermarket and brought 6 litres of preservative free apple juice and tipped the it in on top of a about an inch of the...
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    Infected Beer?

    Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen I have been brewing an Octoberfest style beer, taking advantage of the cold temps for the lagering. However after about 4 weeks in the fermenter the beer seems to have developed a thin film across the surface and i am very worried i may have an infection! This...
  15. L

    My Gravity Is Too High

    Ok, so i did my first AG brew on friday and I took my gravity reading from the kettle once it had boiled for an hour. I was disappointed to find that my gravity was way lower than i was expecting, 1038 instead of 1052, so i added some old left over malt to get the gravity closer to my target. I...
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    Questions About First Ag Brew

    G'day all So after spending hours reading articles on this website i finally took the plunge and had a crack at an all grain brew. Spend a bit of time converting three old 50 L kegs in to a brew rig and today I fired it up, it all seemed to go pretty well but i missed my post boil gravity by a...