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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Melbourne/NE Victoria - 66L Kettle, 50L Mash Tun, March Pump, Two Tap Jockey Box, Chillers, etc

    I'm leaving for sunny Qld, and will be living in an apartment so need to downsize. Everything in pictures is for sale except the puppy, who is just used as a model to make things look more appealing. I'm in Wangaratta but will be in Melbourne a few times in the coming weeks, so can be...
  2. C

    Dual chamber smoker converted from kegs - Fitzroy North

    $50. Moving house and this just didn't make the cut. Charcoal/fire goes in corny keg, then smoke is piped into 50L keg. Includes 12V air pump for giving oxygen to the fire (requires BYO 12v power adapter). It works well, hot smoking up to about 70 degrees C which is good enough for cheese...
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    Hydrostatic Test Locations for CO2 Cylinder - Melbourne

    I've been trying to find somewhere that will do this, as my 6kg cylinder (which is very old) is out of test date and am struggling a bit. So far have tried: 1. Keg King, who said they don't do testing and suggested I try the fire services (MFB). 2. MFB Victoria, who said they don't do their own...
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    Carbonating with the "Ross Method" and a set of precise electronic brewing scales

    I've been carbonating with the "Ross Method" (ramp up pressure, shake keg for a while, you can find it explained in a ton of places on this forum) for inexact results for years now, and I hadn't thought of using a set of scales to add precision before today, and I can't find any information...
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    Brunswick - Growler with Neoprene Cooler and Poly Cap $5 (when you buy a fill for $20)

    Popped into Thunder Road brewery (Brunswick) to grab some take away yesterday. I was pretty annoyed that they won't fill growlers that aren't their own branded ones, but I just purchased one of their ones anyway. They are including Neoprene coolers (branded) with any growler that you get. $20...
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    How do you aim your mash temp after taking into account loss during mash?

    So for the last 6 months or so, I've been doing a HERMS, so temp loss has been less of an issue for me than it was before. However, I recently did a no-sparge, no-recirc brew just to see how easy it is in comparison. It definitely required less time and less cleaning, and I managed to do a...
  7. C

    Please help me diagnose my infection and its cause

    I fermented 46L of IPA split across two fermenters, and one has picked up an infection, unfortunately. In my 12 years of brewing, it's the second time I've had an infection that required the beer to be tossed out. It's a little more interesting this time in that I have a 'control' as such in the...
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    Another DIY Raspberry Pi Automated Brewery

    I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the DIY thread, but I just wanted to post some pics of my recent work in this area. I'll throw a pretty big shout out first to those who have come before me - BrewPi, BrewPiLess, CraftBeerPi and everyone who has put their projects up here for blazing...
  9. C

    Mini keg party dispensing via carba-capped PET bottle.

    So I tried this system out yesterday at home, with a pre-charged 1.25L Coke bottle at 15PSI/100KPA hooked up to a 2L mini keg. It poured okay, definitely good enough for a party keg, but only poured out about 2/3 of the mini keg out before running out. Clearly, about 20PSI or so and it would...
  10. C

    Keg King $10 in line regulator as a secondary reg. Anyone tried using one of these as a secondary regulator? Clearly you also need to add an inline pressure gauge so you can actually see what it's set to, but these can be found pretty cheaply (< $10) online from China. KK says it's fine for gas or...
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    WTB: Little Brown Pump

    These seem to be discontinued on the KK website, and I can't see any at my other usual equipment sources. Anyone got a source for these now (or one to sell)?
  12. C

    Ghetto Fridge Circulation Fan - approximately 7 watts

    I was having some pretty major issues with my fermentation fridge maintaining a consistent temperature from top to bottom. It is an upright freezer with a straightforward temperature controller hooked up. There are two issues that an upright freezer poses to consistent temperature that may not...
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    Single hop Galaxy IPA

    I just poured the last glass of this out of my keg of this, and I'm very sad about it. This is the first beer I've used my new keg setup for, and also the first truly original recipe I've tried beyond making minor modifications/substitutions to others. It's very simple, but by far the best...
  14. C

    Ran out of gas; brought back to boil and boiled cold break

    So, I ran out of gas today in the bottle my burner is hooked up to at about 40 mins into boil. I didn't notice for probably about 10 minutes, and the temperature dropped to about 95 degrees. As soon as I noticed, I hooked up my backup bottle and brought it back to the boil for my late hop...
  15. C

    Simple wooden 3 tier brewing system

    There's nothin' fancy here, just some very simple woodworking. I threw some checker plate on top so that there's no flame near the wood, and decided to make it separable for easier transport. Figured I'd put it up here as not all of us need to, or have the capacity to, spend hundreds of...
  16. C

    3rd AG brew - Efficiency gain of 25 points

    There are a number of topics on here relating to efficiency and new brewers struggling with getting enough fermentables out of their mash, but I would like to outline my experience in working through the problems. I am not new to brewing in general, but am fairly new to AG brewing, having done...
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    Low Original Gravity - Possible Causes?

    Hi all, it's been a while since I've been on here but I've just gotten back into brewing recently after being overseas for a few years. My experienced mate walked me through doing a partial mash (APA) about a month ago (I had previously only done DME/specialty grain) and all went well. I...
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    Turning An Old Upright Freezer Into A Fermentation Fridge

    I picked up an old, large, upright freezer which was sitting on the side of the road without a plug yesterday as I thought it may go OK as a fermentation fridge. Even if it didn't work, could always use it by throwing in some ice bricks each day and keep the temperature fairly well regulated...
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    Dropping The Temperature Once Fermentation Has Already Begun. Safe?

    I have just put on my first extract beer after doing kit + kilo for a couple of years. Recipe is basic, just 2kg light DME with 250g steeped carapils and 800g dextrose, OG a bit high at 1052 but it's my first step past kit + kilo so not too concerned. 30g Perle hops 60 mins (just for bittering)...