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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. ashley_leask

    Stone And Wood Pacific Ale

    Having a pint of this right now off a new keg at the Pig & Whistle in Brisbane and it's tasting almost watery and without the big Galaxy hit this had when I first tried it about a year ago. Is anyone else getting this, or am I just being one of those "I like their old stuff better than their...
  2. ashley_leask

    Co2 Cylinder Problems

    Hi All, Got my cylinder refilled before Christmas, a couple of days before I went away. When I got home I noticed the outflow from the cylinder without the regulator attached wasn't the usual hard burst of gas when opened just a limp sort of dribble but didn't have time to look into it. Was...
  3. ashley_leask

    Worst Brewday Ever

    OK so Tuesday afternoon I got home from work early with the plan to knock out a German Pilsner. All went well for the first half of the day, however when I went to hoist the bag after mashout, I thought "That's light..." And it was due to to the 3 inch tear in the bottom (probably caused by me...
  4. ashley_leask

    Bob Brown Must Be Stopped

    On top of trying to destroy Australia by forcing us to live under trees and work by the natural illumination of fireflies, he killed Jimi Hendrix. His confession can be found here Let's get him!
  5. ashley_leask

    Can I Get A Decent Beer On The Gold Coast?

    Every fortnight my colleague and I spend the day visiting our Gold Coast customers and usually have some lunch and a couple of pints somewhere. Is there anywhere with even a couple of decent options on tap anywhere around the Surfers area? We tried the Casino last week, as I'd heard the Prince...
  6. ashley_leask

    Filtering And Bottle Conditioning

    Thinking of picking up a filter to improve the clarity of by reducing the amount of sediment ending up in my bottles. From a 750 ml PET the first glass is usually pretty good, bit the 2nd usually looks a bit rubbish due to it being stirred up by the first pour. Will enough yeast be left over...
  7. ashley_leask

    Mash Times

    So I did two more BIAB brews (Friday night and today), a Wit first then an APA today. On both of these I had to extend the mash to 90 mins to get the pre boil SG I had targeted. The first one is probably because I have had the cracked grain on hand (vac sealed) since mid Jan so that may have...
  8. ashley_leask

    First Biab Coming Up

    Hi All, Going to put down my first BIAB brew this week in my new Crown urn. I'll be doing the Dr's Golden Ale recipe, using Cascade. If this turns out, I'll probably repeat with different American hops (Amarillo, then Centennial etc) every other brew or so to help me start to understand how...
  9. ashley_leask

    Mashing Question

    Hi, Going to put down my 2nd AG brew in another week or two and wanted to see what the thoughts are on this question. I've seen different people's mash processes, some of which involve stirring every 15m and some who just leave it alone. Interested to see what the experiences are, how much...
  10. ashley_leask

    First Temperature Controlled Brew Underway

    Got my first brew happening with my new STC1000, all working perfectly with the fridge cycling between 19 and 19.5 degrees. Just wanted to say thanks to all who have posted instructions, wiring diagrams, experiences etc here. Made the process very easy. Cheers, Ash
  11. ashley_leask

    Briess Malt Extracts In Brisbane

    The Brew Shop and Grain and Grape now carry these, and I'd like to try it out as they have the lightest colour I've seen (2.0 SRM for the Pilsen ME and 3.0 for Wheat). I want to use these for Wits and Lagers and keep the colour as light as I can. Does anyone in Brisbane carry these or...