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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Impy

    WT Borrow 21mm sheet metal punch

    Hi guys, does anyone have a 21mm sheet metal punch I can borrow? Just need to do a couple of 1/2" bsp holes in a stainless pot and would rather borrow than buy new. I'm in Croydon Park, NSW. Cheers
  2. Impy

    Small Batch Single Vessel Recirculating BIAB (for cheap?)

    After creating a simple 50L electric BIAB single vessel system fairly early in my home brewing days I've since spawned two smaller versions of myself that severely cut down the time I have for brewing. There are also a few issues I have with the larger pots brew design and subsequent process...
  3. Impy

    My Single Vessel Biab Electric Build

    So... putting together an electric brew kettle is a lesson in patience. I've got 90% of the parts required to put together the AG set up I've decided to go with. I don't have the space or motivation for a 2 or 3 vessel system so single vessel BIAB seemed like the smart choice. Here is a rough...
  4. Impy

    Bsp Measurements, Someone Set Me Straight!

    Ok so I'm searching far and wide for the parts required for my weldless sightglass, heating element locknut, ball valve etc and BSP measurements are thoroughly confusing me. I bought this 1" BSP threaded element. Measuring it I found it's NOT 1" it's 1&1/4" (~32mm) I was about to write a stern...
  5. Impy

    Questions On Cheap 2400w Element

    Hey guys, I'm ordering parts for my first electric kettle BIAB setup. The 50L stock pot is on it's way and now i'm just looking for an appropriate element. I've found this one which is isanely cheap compared to most out there. Has...
  6. Impy

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    I just purchased a temp controller from a fridge I just acquired for homebrewing, but didn't realize when I bought it that it's a heating OR cooling controller, not both at the same time. The fridge I have is an outside garage, and with cold sydney winters I can imagine the fridge will actually...
  7. Impy

    Super-micro Batch

    I had a 2.5L plastic container that I bought an extract kit in that looked like an incy-wincy fermenter, and recently I've been disappointed with the hoppiness IPA extracts I've bought. So of course I created a micro-batch. Because of it's small size, it's relatively simple on the sugars, but...
  8. Impy

    Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

    Found this great article today - It's pretty clear that good clean processes and controlled fermentation are the keys to good beer. Don't let the haters put you off your hobby!
  9. Impy

    First Stout Attempt Question

    Hi guys, I've got half a dozen or so extract brews under my belt so i've got my process down quite well but after doing my first stout something happened that I've never seen before. Here's the recipe. 3kg light LME 1kg dark DME 500g roasted barley 200g chocolate malt speciality grain 200g...
  10. Impy

    Ibu Explosion!

    I'm looking to make an IPA and i'm roughly copying the recipe here;recipe=1300 modifying it for extract of course When I throw the hop schedule (replacing Saaz with Willamette) into the Kit and Extract Beer Designer spreadsheet I get an IBU of...
  11. Impy

    White Rabbit: White Ale Recipe (first Partial Attempt)

    Hi guys, My first kit is bottled and I'm fairly confident it's going to be tasty (brewcraft asahi, smells and tastes good at the mo - just waiting to carb) I've recently been quite impressed with White Rabbits new White Ale and thought i'd have a go at a partial clone. I've had a scour for...
  12. Impy

    My Solution To The Lagering "issue"

    So my brewcraft asahi clone has finished fermenting (4 weeks) and I realized I needed to lager it for best results. During it's fermentation stage I intermittently kept the fermenter wrapped in a damp towel whenever the weather got warmer (thank goodness for the unseasonably cool september)...
  13. Impy

    White Rabbit White Ale Clone Recipe

    I had a try of this beer a little while a go and was very impressed. It has a lot of the characteristics I like in a summer beer (crisp, sessionable, not heavy in hops, interesting flavours) and I've been thinking about making an attempt at a clone recipe. If you have not tried it yourself here...
  14. Impy

    Fermenter Tap Question

    Hi guys, my wife bought me a homebrew kit from BrewCraft for my birthday, exactly what I wanted of course :beerbang:. The recipe it came with was the Asahi Style and I was able to get it all set up and in the fermenter a couple of nights ago. I've noticed that over the last couple of days the...