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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. masculator002

    New, Indispensable Equipment For Every Home Brewer

    I reckon it would be like drinking mud. Just look at how much Trub is left in the bottom of your fermenter after you bottle off the clearer stuff and you still get sediment in your bottles unless you filter, or keg, carbonate then bottle. I think I will pass on that one thanks. :icon_vomit:
  2. masculator002

    Fat Yak - Ag Clone

    it is a better beer in bottles than on tap for some reason. dont know why because my version was equally as good in the keg as in bottles.
  3. masculator002

    Fat Yak - Ag Clone

    try columbus amarillo and chinook for the hops, fat yak tastes surprisingly similar to a APA i make using these hops and the yeast to use is the american ale yeast from craftbrewer (us-56 or s05in fermentis) use a lot of hops in the second and final stages of the boil. i.e. 30 grams 60 minutes...
  4. masculator002


    I see the point for those who are time strapped and also those who drink large quantities
  5. masculator002


    good luck with them crapcade kits, I stopped using them after i had to tip several hundred dollars of there kits and ingredients on the garden. (proved it to be a problem with their kits and several other brewers i know had the same problem.)
  6. masculator002

    Questions For A Cabinet Maker

    It appears that it has been shellac or french varnished to me in which case paint stripper wouldnt be the should be able to find good advice on repairing a shelacked finish online or most hardware shops. I know that my local dahlsens has ready to paint on shellac which has...
  7. masculator002

    Hops Grown In Australia / New Zealand

    I have recently been talking to a hop grower from around scottsdale in tassie and he has 3 main breeds and has agreed to send me some agate rhizomes. he also has some super pride and pride of ringwood. when i speak next to him I will ask if he is willing for me to put his contact details on here...
  8. masculator002

    Anyone Foermented In 20l Willow Containers?

    many people I know (including myself and my father) used to ferment in plastic garbage bins with nary more than a sheet of muslin over the top and they all worked out fine. Guess that this would be another option. I have also brewed in a 20 litre square drum with a gravity seal in the screw on...
  9. masculator002

    Frozen Lager

    Some of the yeast would probably have survived but it will probably be slow to start and depending how much of it has died it may be worth racking to a second fermenter as well as repitching with more yeast, this will reduce the amount of dead yeast which could cause probs. By the way what a...
  10. masculator002

    "pale" Or "light"

    morgans is actually made by coopers any way and yes it is 100% malted barley extract. It is good for all kinds of kit and extract brewing and will give a good result. as for the fruity ness cascade can impart a citrussy fruity flavour and if used excessively can become quite grapefruity.
  11. masculator002

    Why Do Kit Brewers Try To Emulate Brewery Beers

    Sorry manticle as I said earlier my intention was not to insult or deride the begginers just to open a debate about how and where they can step up and improve upon what they are doing and encourage them not to be afraid to try new things. goodnight all. At the risk of further putting my foot in...
  12. masculator002

    Why Do Kit Brewers Try To Emulate Brewery Beers

    And that is what I am trying to do manticle encourage them to make something good. If someone wants to go out and brew something that is 10%alcohol and has no desire for anything other than to get pissed they can buy a kit and 2 kg of white sugar, I am just trying to let the newer brewers...
  13. masculator002

    RecipeDB - Simple APA

    chinook, and columbus would also work nicely in this as well as the amarillo mentioned previously. I am currently brewing a similar brew using rakau.
  14. masculator002

    Why Do Kit Brewers Try To Emulate Brewery Beers

    Agreed chappo some times it is better to fail trying something blind than to be handed the cards and still not achieve the desired results or worse still not learning from the knowledge gleaned.