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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Dry hop chux

    Cheers. Will give it a try
  2. J

    Dry hop chux

    Can you explain how to cold crash after dry hopping if im brewing ale at 18 degrees then bottling and carbing with drops. Curious to try. Cheers
  3. J

    Dry hop chux

    Whats your opinion on using a sanitised chux cloth to wrap up your hops for dry hopping? Instead of going commando and dealing with floaties or using a muslin cloth or a mesh ball infuser and deal with extra cleaning, what about a chux cloth wrapped over your hops? I have a friend who does...
  4. J

    Beer Bombs

    Hi all. Beginner brewer hear. I am curious about exploding homebrew. I am making sure i have a stable gravity reading and everything is clean. I have started off using PET bottles and are now using more glass. If a glass bottle is going to explode is it usual in the first week or can it explode...
  5. J

    Water purity/sterilization

    Thanks mate for all the practical info. Much appreciated.
  6. J

    Water purity/sterilization

    Thanks mark. Great insight.
  7. J

    Water purity/sterilization

    Thanks for info. I have allowed over an hour for bottles to dry and there can still be suds stuck in the bottles. Im worried the longer i leave them the more chance they have of becoming unsterile again.
  8. J

    Water purity/sterilization

    Gday all. I have a few questions on water and sterilisers. Im living in QLD with chlorine and Chloramine in the water supply. I dont want to buy spring water or water filters, so Is campden tablets enough to purify the water to avoid reactions and off flavours? Can campden in the water produce...
  9. J

    Seal floating in fermenter

    Ha. Yeah. Thats what kept popping up when i googled it.
  10. J

    Seal floating in fermenter

    Good to know. Thanks mate.
  11. J

    Seal floating in fermenter

    Thats mate. I recycled the FW container so i cannot confirm but i believe your right.
  12. J

    Seal floating in fermenter

    Oh yes. Im did mean Coopers by BTW.
  13. J

    Seal floating in fermenter

    G'day. New to brewing after gifted with coppers fermenter. 4 brews in and all is well. Although this latest batch i noticed what looked like a white seal floating in my fermenting beer. I cannot recall a white rubber seal inside the coppers fermenter so where did it come from? The only other...