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  1. ballzac

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    I think it's a testament to the design of this product that it didn't blow a fuse or something, as when the relay trips, you have active connected straight to neutral. The previous replies have already explained this, but here's my explanation anyway: This device switches the active line. This...
  2. ballzac

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    Also, don't forget that you're dealing with mains, so if it's not wired correctly it could be dangerous.
  3. ballzac

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    Does the light come on to indicate that it's heating?
  4. ballzac

    Safale S-04 Ale Yeast Off Flavours.

    Considering that S-23 may be the first choice of lager yeast for people who are currently using other Fermentis yeasts (such as S-04), it may be worth mentioning the S-23 can throw some pretty fruity flavours - such as pineapple - too. It can work really well, but would not be any more...
  5. ballzac

    Safale S-04 Ale Yeast Off Flavours.

    Definitely sounds temperature related. I've only used S-04 twice, but never had off flavours from it. I actually had a brown ale fermented at about 24C with Notty that produced a lot of banana flavour (though it was not funky). 18 months took care of it, and it turned out wonderful. I believe...
  6. ballzac

    Why Is My Airlock Bubbling?

    Also, with beverages that have a lower FG. It's been known to happen when people add enzymes to their beer. My only ever bottle bombs were a cider. The SG stayed the same for a couple of weeks (about 1.005 IIRC). I figured it was done and bottled it. A couple of weeks later I chilled one and...
  7. ballzac

    Napisan - Sodium Percarbonate

    Is there a connection between use of Sodium Percarbonate products and poor head retention? This may not necessarily be from the Sodium Percarbonate if there are other chemicals in the product. I had quite a few brews with very poor head retention, and realised that a common element may be the...
  8. ballzac

    AHB Articles: Using a Bulk Priming Calculator

    So anyway, someone in the other thread politely pointed out that PV=NRT isn't really the relevent equation here. Henry's Law is the relevant equation. I haven't studied chemistry (my major was in theoretical physics), so I'm only going on my interpretation of the wikipedia artice. Would be...
  9. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    I went to the effort of moving the entire discussion to another thread to avoid clogging up this one, so you can go to the other one to make this point and we can discuss it there...unless you just wanted a larger audience before which to put me down :rolleyes:
  10. ballzac

    Beer @ The Footy

    Can't help with this specific plan, but I used to travel v-line a fair bit and would put a few of my brews in bundy ginger beer bottles so I didn't have to pay 5 bucks for a can of VB on the train.
  11. ballzac

    AHB Articles: Using a Bulk Priming Calculator

    Just a fermenter with an airlock. It is still under pressure though. The difference in pressure is not important. In a keg, the pressure gradient only occurs within the steel anyway. The pressure within the beer is still constant (ignoring the 1PSI or so difference at the top and bottom of the...
  12. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    Carbonation/pressure/temperature tangent is now quoted in the wiki discussion topic:;#entry651619 Please continue it there as I think it is both interesting and important :)
  13. ballzac

    AHB Articles: Using a Bulk Priming Calculator

    From a tangent in this thread:
  14. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    It's the same as in a keg, but in a keg the pressure is provided by the rigidity of the steel. The most important thing, as far as I can gather, is the pressure at the interface of the beer and CO2. EDIT: This discussion really belongs in the discussion topic for the wiki article, I'll copy it...
  15. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    PV=NRT So in some ways, a decrease in temperature is equivalent to an increase in pressure (over-simplified I know).
  16. ballzac

    Weight Of Gas Bottle?

    You could always contact the manufacturer/distributor. "My Kegs on Legs" have their empty bottle weights on their website.
  17. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    Yep. That's what I meant. And sorry for going off-topic to an extent, but I just want to give my reasoning. The pressures normally used in kegging are actual gauge pressures. That is, they are stated as quantities above atmospheric pressure. So when you have your keg pressurised at '15 PSI'...
  18. ballzac

    Brew Always Tastes Like Homebrew

    Hadn't heard that before. Interesting link. I don't know if that information is based on empirical evidence, or just theory, but the theory seems flawed to me. The fermenter, contrary to the claim, is under pressure (roughly 15 PSI). I don't see why this pressure should be discounted when you...