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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Danscraftbeer

    Who the hell is GrumpyPaul

    As an online Bar situation. I,m agnostic. It sometimes saddens me to see punch ups but then again depends how many drinks you've had you could just see it as funny. No matter what loud words made bla bla bla go for it! People being so easily offended then toiling tediously to legitimize it...
  2. Danscraftbeer

    Combining a ginger beer kit with a porter/stout kit.

    If you get the balance right it will be good. I've played this game in my first year kit brewing with pale beer and the first time I did it (with real ginger and Coopers Kit. Draught, or Dark Ale with some small spice and lemon additions) It worked well. When I tried to do this with All Grain...
  3. Danscraftbeer

    Keg Infection

    Thorough cleaning should do it but that failing I will use pure phosphoric acid sanitizer for everything. Diliuted correct its rinse free. I add 1ml per liter into the clean keg then fill with boiling water. Seal, roll it etc. Leave it to cool down like cubing. Disassemble everything in the...
  4. Danscraftbeer

    Recipe for Trump Lager

    I thought it was Corona. Since he doesnt mind seeing that get shared around by the millions especially now.
  5. Danscraftbeer

    Banana flavour?

    Also recognizing this flavor is unwelcome to some styles then very welcomed in other styles. I've never got that banana flavor even when it was an expected result. Like Coopers cultured yeast it smells like fruit salad in the starter but cuts down to very clean (minimal esters) in the end...
  6. Danscraftbeer

    Oslo kveik Czech pilsner

    Looks like a swarm of bees or something in your beer haha.
  7. Danscraftbeer

    Oslo kveik Czech pilsner

    Drop the Pilsner in the title maybe. Actually wipe the board and start again. Make something up. How about: Kvik Pill. Fast brewed. Smashable Pale beer. :foammug:
  8. Danscraftbeer

    Oslo kveik Czech pilsner

    Sounds, sound, and interesting. I feel it needs a new style description though?
  9. Danscraftbeer

    Hop stand utilisation

    My hack at it and it seems to be accurate in the finished product. I use Beersmith 2. I will do a hop stand at 70c for 25 minutes. I set that in the software as a Steep/whirlpool of 2 minutes. Eg: 40lt NEIPA brew. OG = 1.065. 200g Cascade hop stand = 2.1 IBU Loads of hop flavor with very...
  10. Danscraftbeer

    Hot tips for enjoying the craft as a perfectionist

    I dont consider myself to be a perfectionist but I do try my best every time. Letting things go to a less care factor is not a good direction IMO. Consistency is so important so all those little details like yeast calculations and all the other calculations, timings, details are necessary for me...
  11. Danscraftbeer

    Avoiding smoky character from hops?

    I'm thinking about the right kind of hops that can go with a smokey taint beer. First thought is Hops that go with dark malts beers. Chinook comes first to mind since I've known it by growing and using it a lot. Goes well with dark chocolate beers too, any dark beer. Pale too but it has a...
  12. Danscraftbeer

    Avoiding smoky character from hops?

    Agree that smoked malt is the best way to go. A good liquid smoke could be a handy cheat too. I'd just spray some on the grain previous to milling? Or just a few drops in the milled grains before mash. Good liquid smoke is just heavily smoked water so recording the exact (small) amount is...
  13. Danscraftbeer

    RIP Eddie Van Halen

    Had a Van Halen day yesterday too. Full concerts on youtube. 2020 sure is taking a lot from us but great way to cure any sadness is to watch them play live. Salute!
  14. Danscraftbeer

    Pilsner No Fermentation

    There are so many questions there. To focus it Its about a realization of proper yeast pitch rates. Fermentation (mainly for Beer) is best as fast as possible. $0.02
  15. Danscraftbeer

    Pilsner No Fermentation

    I think reboiling is the only option to save it actually but I'm fussy. Add some water for boil off. You then need more yeast though. The fresh beer needs inoculation with a good amount of your chosen yeast at the beginning or its open for millions of other microbials that will love to indulge...
  16. Danscraftbeer

    Sanitiser in brew, is it ruined?

    I've accidentally done it with a mini keg as the blow off chamber. Now I dont add the dip tube so it cant happen again. It was maybe 300-400ml phos sanitizer to a 20lt brew. I could taste the acidity it added so I tipped it. I couldn't drink it with a clear conscious. The pH didn't seem...
  17. Danscraftbeer

    How to naturally carbonate soft drinks?

    I make Water Kefir in a 6lt keg. Its fantastic but it is probiotic delicious softdrink. I did bottling experiments first but the keg is done and self carbonated in 2-3 days. Then kept in fridge cold it still seems to self pressurize to serve from a click on tap. That is a bonus since I use no...
  18. Danscraftbeer

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    You live in a good world if you pay tax. Dred days that may not apply you'll be paying harder.
  19. Danscraftbeer

    At last, a hobby that saves money!

    Do any of you really tally things up? Consumption vs price outlay? vs satisfaction too. Anyone fill in the individual ingredient prices into your brewing software? To get an accurate brew/cost etc. I'm lucky in a way my home brewing kit is an esky and keggle, basic stuff to make up to 45lt...
  20. Danscraftbeer

    Pressure Fermenting Ales Questions

    Not always, but I often charge the kegmenter filled with fresh wort with oxygen up to 10 psi. Roll shake the kegmenter for 1 minute or more to oxygenate. (There are safety precautions to take in the steps of doing this o2 injection) Then, kegmenter into temp control and attach the (closed)...