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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Carlton Lime Fusion Copy?

    I'd go along with the light flavoured beer base. I'd also strongly suggest adding it, at least initially, in the bottle when drinking. At least that way you can experiment without destroying an entire batch. Furthermore, you may find that once you've been brewing for a bit your tastes will...
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    Cooper's Clear

    Just another piece of marketing crap. Here's a short article saying what most of us have already believed: And I also suspect that due to the lack of flavour they get drunk at a faster rate as well.
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    Cooper's Clear

    Coopers Sparkling is still just about my favourite beer. Just due to the "consequences" I don't drink it too often (or too many). My normal standby is their Pale Ale. Only 4.5% and a nice strong flavour. I find the Mild to be a Milder version of the Pale Ale and drink it heaps in summer...
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    Any Sydney Brew Shops That Stock Liquid Yeast ?

    He will order it in, but personally I find I'm not normally that organised :(. From memory they normally have stock at the main branch at Girraween, although nothing like the variation you can get online.
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    Compensator Faucets

    Guys, is anyone able to help with this? I know there were a fair few of these purchased a few years ago. I'm sure some of them are still being used. And if they're not, I suppose why not (i.e. are they crap and I shouldn't purchase). Thanks, tony
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    Compensator Faucets

    I know this is an old topic but hopefully some of the people who bought these can give me some info. I'm looking at getting some of these. Mother-in-law is in Ireland for 6 weeks so hoping to get them sent to her. I'm hoping to be able to use one of them with a standard beer gun using 8mm...
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    Biab Recipe - Hefeweizen & Mid Strength

    Thanks guys! Exactly what I was after. Will have to get the rest of the bits (from memory I only need the bag assuming nothing was lost in moving house). Of course also need the ingredients. What's recommended for buying the malts etc? I've bought gear from (from memory) Ross in Qld - I'm...
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    Biab Recipe - Hefeweizen & Mid Strength

    After getting half the stuff for a BIAB 16 months ago I'm finally going to extract the digit and make a batch. I'm looking for a recipe for a Hefeweizen. I'm also looking for a recipe for a mid-strength (say 3.5%) light summer lawn-mower beer. Probably something along the lines of a Corona...
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    Where Do I Get Good Beer Glasses?

    From the ebay thread there's a couple of options available: Beer steins x 24 Frosted beer glasses x 24 Both look pretty good to me. If it wouldn't be grounds for divorce I'd get a box of each.
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    Glass Door Fridge For Fermentation

    What's the difference between being in a glass door fridge and just out in the "open" as those of us who don't ferment in a fridge have? In my fermenter the walls are opaque plastic so I really can't see any direct sunlight (or fluro light) hitting the actual beer. Personally I'd say go for...
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    Keg Carbonation Pressure / Dispensing Pressure

    That's a good article and well worth referring to many times if you decide to balance your system. As a guide on my system I mentioned above, I have around 5m of 4mm (inside diameter) beer line. This serves perfectly at around 100kpa. It's a real pain to get onto the connections, but as...
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    Beer Gun Leaking

    Hi Jye, Thanks for that. Good work on Andales part putting a full breakdown of the gun on their site. tony
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    Beer Gun Leaking

    I've noticed over time my fridge was getting a huge amount of mold. Finally tracked it to the 1 inch of beer on the base :(. After investigating it seems my gun is leaking. In one night it will leak about a pint of beer (I know it's a pint cause I now put the gun in a pint glass!). I'm...
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    Keg Carbonation Pressure / Dispensing Pressure

    There's a couple of different ways of doing this. Both depend on the temperature of your fridge and (obviously) how fizzy you want your beer. The reason for the difference based on temperature is that the lower the temperature the more co2 the beer will absorb (this actually explains why when...
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    Stainless Steel Rusting?

    Good answers thanks guys. I'll try the gas thing - have to change a disco first. Any ideas where to get nitric acid? tony
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    Stainless Steel Rusting?

    I've got an old SS keg that had a moderate amount of rust and crap on it. Using the angle grinder and stiff brush I cleaned the rust off. Well two weeks later it's getting more rust just sitting in the shed. Before I redo the cleaning I thought I'd check if there's some sort of treatment that...
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    White Labs Liquid Yest How Long Is Too Old?

    I'd agree with these comments. Ordered a WLP300 from LHBS last week. Didn't turn up on time but the guy gave me a culture that he'd had in the fridge for 18months - no guarantees (or charge) though. Well after 5 days I'd given up on it, then had a look 2 days later and it had fired up fine...
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    (sydney) Borrow A Corny Keg For This Weekend?

    If you don't have any luck send me a PM/e-mail. I've got a few kegs and I'm sure I can spare one for a week or two. (You don't need it to be full do you :)). tony
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    Mid Strength Suggestions Wanted

    I can't speak for the Grumpy's kit but in my experience the Country Brewer Wetpak is a fair bit higher than 4%. I do the APA kit quite regularly and it's generally around 5% made up. Not as high as some of the guys here like them, but certainly not what I'd call a mid-strength (although...
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    Party Kegs

    That is one serious bit of gear!! Makes my single keg setup look like a baby. For interest, does the 120L keg fit in your boot? If so, what car do you have? I can't get my single esky in without lying it over (and the subsequent ice spill) so it rides in the back between the kids (and stops...