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  1. Tommy-Gun

    Cheeky Peak BrewFerm

    Yeh nice one Sidney. Didn't think about having all the gear tied up until kegging. Hmm that is a big negative for me.
  2. Tommy-Gun

    Cheeky Peak BrewFerm

    Hi All, Anyone seen the new 50L single vessel Cheeky Peak released a few days ago. Looks pretty cool, basicaly doubles as a unitank. Has this been done before? Price point is not too shabby if you consider having to buy a stainless fermeter separately. What do you guys think? PROS? CONS...
  3. Tommy-Gun

    Keg Carbonation & Serving.

    Hi mate, Once i get the beer where i want it to be (i force carb). I turn the PSI down, I figure you only need enough to pressure to push the beer through the lines right? 10-12 for serving is spot on for me.
  4. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Nice one. What temp do you think I should go? the brew I normally do is at 20c but I heard you can go higher temp with pressure? It will be Llemand Verdant IPA dry yeast.
  5. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Cheers Mark, Thats what i was trying to ask. Gotcha. I usually only do really hoppy stuff so pressure for me will be mainly about oxy exlusion.
  6. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Cheers for that Ballaratguy, When are you supposed to start under pressure? Do you use the spunding valve as soon as you have pitched or do you just use a bubbles for the first day or so then go to pressure after fermentation has started?
  7. Tommy-Gun

    FermZilla Tri-conical

    Hi Guys, Long time reader, first (actually second) time poster. I am buying the Fermzilla and looking to do my first pressure ferment in the next week or so. What are your opinions on when to start building up the pressure in the tank? Straight away as soon as pitched or wait untill ferment...
  8. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Awesome cheers for that TwoCrows, Im gunna pull the trigger and get me one!
  9. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Thanks for the replies guys. Bit more about my brewing then, I love IPA's, NEIPA (gotsta have that fuity hoppy goodness) but anything Ale is fine by me. Been using the 35l Brewzilla (Gen3) and had no dramas with that. Made some great batches IMHO and some pretty rough stuff. Undrinkable is a...
  10. Tommy-Gun

    Things can only get better....right?

    Hi All, Im Tom and i have been having a go with all grain for around a year now. Im slowly starting to upgrade my kit and stick my finger in a few new beerpies. (pressure fermentation etc.) I have a hundred questions and am sick of spending hours online and still not find the answer. I look...