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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. bttjn

    Lowan Rice Flakes

    Anyone use these where a recipe calls for rolled rice. From their website “Lowan Rice Flakes are produced by steaming natural brown rice and then rolling the grain flat between two large rollers. Lowan Rice Flakes contain all the nutrients of the original grain.” Packet ingredients says. “100%...
  2. bttjn

    Batch Size

    Quick question. The batch sizes in the recipeDb refer to the volume post boil including trub ect. or the volume post ferment that would end up in bottles/keg.
  3. bttjn

    Dry Hopp For Two Weeks

    Put together DR Smurtos Golden Ale as my first AG BIAB. Don't have a chiller so went the no-chill option with the intention of pitching the yeast when I get back from holidays towards the end of August. Anyhow my cube leaked air overnight so I was forced to pitch yeast the next day. It's been...
  4. bttjn

    Birko Boil

    I've got a new 40l Birko urn which I'm using for BIAB. Doing a test run just with water to calculate evaporation rates and the boil isn't as vigourous as I expected with the lid off. It's boiling but not what I'd consider to be a rolling boil. If I put the lid on it really gets boiling then. I...
  5. bttjn

    Muntons Premium Gold Yeast

    I Have a packet of this yeast i plan on using with: A can of Beermakers Lager 1kg dry wheat malt POR Hops Just wondering what the best fermentation temp would be? Their website says sprinkle dry yeast onto wort at 20'c, but doesn't mention anything else. I actually have two packets of...
  6. bttjn

    Do I Need Nutrient

    I have a Brewcraft Ginger Beer Kit which has been hanging around the house for a while and I plan to put in on later today. Planning on using 1.5 kg Brewcraft Kit 500g light dry malt 600g dextrose 250g corn sryup 500g grated ginger 10...
  7. bttjn

    Should We Panic Yet?

    This was In today's West Australain I can handle wearing a jumper to work, but no Draught beer! When will the crisis end. Timely warning to those with keg setups to go and get some co2 before its all gone.