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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Supra-Jim

    Brew Bench / Workbenches For Sale - Melb

    Hi There, I've got two steel benches for sale, can be used for either brew bench/stands or normal work benches. They are mild steel, paint black, and designed to have a drop in bench top (not included). Both are in pretty good nick,might need a small touch up of paint here and there, and...
  2. Supra-Jim

    Hopped Coffee

    This has probably been done before (searching just gives reference to coffee additions to beers) but the other day while enjoying my morning brew (coffee) I caught a waft of hop aroma and the idea of a hopped coffee popped into my head. Anyway I've just had a crack and the result is not too...
  3. Supra-Jim

    Yeast Recommendation For A Belgian Ipa?

    Hi Al, I have a cube of Hopburst IPA (currently drinking the first cube fermented with US05 :icon_drool2: ) and I'm thinking of giving the second cube a bit of a twist. Does anyone have a recommendation for a Belgian yeast to use with this? And also thinking of cold steeping some carafa to...
  4. Supra-Jim

    All Grain Brewers Near Eltham Vic?

    Hi All, New to the area, and as with most house moves, setting up brewing equipment unfortunately drops down the priority list! (add to that a decision to redesign/built a major part of it while it's in pieces and I'm going nowhere!!!). Any all-grain brewers in the nearby area...
  5. Supra-Jim

    Pool Table - Free (melb)

    Hi Guys, In the middle of moving and I won't have room for this in the new place. 7x4 table (approx). Surface is flat and plays well. One small hole in the felt (ebay has cheap replacement felt). Not a slate base, just timber. Included is a set of billiard and pool balls and 3 cues. Two...
  6. Supra-Jim

    March Pump Arrived!

    WOOT! Thanks to the strong aussie dollar atm, I finally took the plunge and ordered a march pump. $200 AUD delivered from the US in less than 10 days! Now to get back to building the HERMS system (should have some pic in the next few days). Cheers SJ
  7. Supra-Jim

    Fermenting Fridge - Mould!

    Hi All, Am curious about some feedback from others who are experiencing this, or have over come it. I run a fridge (normal domestic fridge below, freezer on top) for fermentation. It on/off operation is controlled by a fridgemate when fermenting, otherwise it is switched off. Anyway, i keep...
  8. Supra-Jim

    Recipe Feedback, Mild Ale

    I'm looking to brew a mild ale this weekend, just looking for a bit of feedback on this recipe: Mild Ale Batch Size: 42ltr Est OG: 1.038 Est FG: 1.012 Grain Bill 6.9kg Marris Otter 0.35kg Med Crystal 0.1 kg Choc Malt Hops: 60gm EKG 4.7% @60min 28gm EKG 4.7% @30min 28gm EKG 4.7% @1min Yeast...
  9. Supra-Jim

    Beer Gun For Sale

    Beer Gun, in very good condition. Has been used for about 8 months. $70 plus postage. Melb South East surburbs for pick up. Cheers SJ
  10. Supra-Jim

    Melb: Keg/fermenting Fridge For Sale

    Now that i've upgraded my setup to a chest freezer, i have a spare fridge available. I have been using this as a fermenting fridge, but it also works well as a keg fridge. A hole has been drilled in the back for a gas line, and you will easily fit 3 kegs, probably 4 if you remove the shelves...
  11. Supra-Jim

    It's Nice When It All Works

    So lately I've been getting the shits cos my efficiency has been up sh*t creek (60-65%), anyway after alot of reading, scouring the interweb and chewing the ear of my LHBS, i approached last nights brew with a new plan. Modification for this brew was: 1. 90min mash (was mashing at 65 deg and...
  12. Supra-Jim

    Doh! Recipe Help!

    Was planning to put down a brew tonight. Nothing fancy, just a nice simple keg filler along the lines of this: 4.0 kg JW Pale Malt 0.5kg Crystal 40 0.3kg Wheat Malt 0.3kg cane sugar 35gms of POR @ 60mins Mash @ 65 for 75mins Total volume 23 litres Anyway, realised when i jsut got home, i...
  13. Supra-Jim

    Hop Toxicity To Dogs

    Hi All, Just wondering what information/experience people have had/know about hops toxicity to dogs. I have always assumed based on information available that hops are toxic to dogs and the two should never be mixed (hair of the dog IIPA??? I think not! :P ). However as I'd love to grow some...
  14. Supra-Jim

    Recipe Help/feedback

    Hi All, Need a bit of help formulating a nice simple recipe for a mates dad who for a long time has sworn by the K&K method. He's tasted a few of our AG brews and has finally decided to take the next step with his next brew. He has a can of Black Rock Export Pilsner he wants to use and needs...
  15. Supra-Jim

    Good News - Hargreaves Hills Brewing Again Just saw this on The Age website. Good to hear they're back up and brewing! Cheers SJ
  16. Supra-Jim

    Last Drinks For The Beer Bike? Cheers SJ
  17. Supra-Jim

    Substitute Malt For Jamil's Best Bitter Recipe?

    Hi All, Was listening to the pod cast of the jamil show Best Bitter episode and am thinking this will be the next brew to put down. The grain bill (from memory) was (approximately): 4.5kg of Marris Otter 0.5kg of aromatic malt 0.25kg Crystal 120 0.25kg Special Roast Pretty sure i can't get...
  18. Supra-Jim

    Belgian Blonde

    I've currently got a Belgian Blond Ale (ala Jamil's recipe) sitting in the fermenter (smelling beautiful) and am having some thoughs/confusion about this brew once fermentation in finished. Given all of the lovely yeast derived aromas and phenols that we love in our Belgians, should i be crash...
  19. Supra-Jim

    Swine Flu - Do We Need To Stockpile

    Seems the govt is a little confused about whether or not to tell people if they should be stockpiling long life food items and water to ride out any Swine Flu out-break. Does this mean we need to stockpile brewing supplies so we all can brew our way through any epidemic? Ross, now that the...
  20. Supra-Jim

    Party Invite

    From: David Thorne Date: Monday 8 Dec 2008 11.04am To: Matthew Smythe Subject: R.S.V.P. Dear Matthew, Thankyou for the party invite. At first glance I thought it may be a child's party what with it being vibrant and having balloons but I realise you probably did your best with what little tools...