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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Ghizo

    First lager

    I have just got my first lager in the fermentation chamber, sitting at 14c. According to beer smith I leave it for four weeks, 4 days diactyl rest (I raise the temp to 19c? )then age for 30 days. I was going to keg after 30 days and age in the kegerator? Is this ok?
  2. Ghizo

    Recipe help for second all grain

    I am about to do my second all grain in my robobrew. My first was a dr smurto's golden ale. And I don't think the keg will last long. very happy with the results. I am looking at putting down another this week but not sure what to brew. I want more of a session beer something around 4% . Easy...
  3. Ghizo

    First all grain

    I will soon be doing my first solo all grain, I have ordered a robo brew. I have helped with one all grain brew day, Looking on beersmith2 at lots of different recipes, how to choose? . I don't want to do a clone, but I like pale ales, cerveza, well most beers, so long as not over the top...
  4. Ghizo

    Mash tun advice

    Just starting all grain, I have a 30l boiler, I only want enough to fill a keg each brew, so 19l finished. About 20l in fermenter What size mash tun is ideal? I was thinking 30l would be good? Less dead space = less temp loss right?
  5. Ghizo

    Considering grainfather purchase?

    So far I have been a kits and bits brewer, and produce what I consider a pretty nice beer (my father will have often come down for a beer rather than having a commercial beer). A friend got into all grain and produces excellent beer, he made his own grainfather like system. I do not have much...
  6. Ghizo


    Just kegged this, had these tiny white spots I have not seen before this is blonde fw kit. It tasted fine no off flavours or anything. So it's in a keg and in the keezer
  7. Ghizo

    Keezer, stc query

    I have just been given a 210l chesty, I am looking at either changing the thermostat (seen kits on eBay anyone used one of these?). Or buy another stc 1000 to control it. If I go the stc way where am I best to mount the probe? I have seen them put in jug of water as well as mounted in the...
  8. Ghizo

    Rainwater? Good or bad

    Hi all I have just moved into a new house and while I have town water I also a good sized water tank, is this any good for brewing? Or better to use tap water?
  9. Ghizo

    What size freezer to fit 4 kegs

    I am looking to upgrade my fridge to a chest freezer, What size freezer would I need to fit 4 kegs? I have seen a couple of 210 litre ones, would they be big enough?
  10. Ghizo

    WTB perlick tap

    I have one crap tap that does not pour well, I would like to change it for a perlick if anyone has one they want to sell. I would be interested in 2 matching taps as well. Tim
  11. Ghizo

    Keeping beer in kegs

    Ok new to kegging, got two kegs in the fridge and just filled another one. So I filled the keg, purged the air now should I keep the extra keg in a fridge or is it ok to keep it out of a fridge? I pressurised the keg to 10psi I know this will not carb it but figured it would be best to have...
  12. Ghizo


    I am having a problem with pouring a bit much head, now I have 3m lines, no leaks, and just changed my regulator, I am pretty sure everything is right with my system but it still pours a bit much head. I think it might be one of my taps? A mate suggested it might be the problem ? It's not...
  13. Ghizo

    Cozzie pale ale

    Extract recipe I am looking at doing something a bit more involved for my next brew. And doing this recipe 2kg Liquid Light Malt Extract 1kg Liquid Wheat Malt extract 250g Caramunich grain pack 15g Pride of Ringwood – 60 min boil 10g Galaxy – 10 min boil 10g Galaxy – 0 min boil 20g Galaxy –...
  14. Ghizo

    Very slight gas leak

    Very very slight gas leak, can't find it tried soapy water but can't see anything, the only way I can tell its leaking is when I turn the gas bottle off the pressure goes out of the system? It must be a tiny leak is. It worth finding? Any suggestions
  15. Ghizo

    Filling bottles from kegs

    Ok I am looking at getting a filling gun, but need a few bottles for this weekend and because I have just started don't have any ready. I do have the carbonation cap with the tail which can apparently used for filling. Does anyone use it for filling? Do you lose much carbonation changing from...
  16. Ghizo

    South Coast NSW

    Is there anyone here from South Coast NSW, ? Be good to meet a few like minded people swaps some beers and ideas? I am in Nowra Tim
  17. Ghizo

    First brew tasted today

    Ok I have kegged my first batch and poured my first beer today. The beer was Morgan's silver jubilee Lager (came with brew kit ) 500g LDM 500g Dex 24g cascade hops ( dry hopped from the beginning of fermentation) Taste was good, not great but easy to drink, did not have a lot of body but for a...
  18. Ghizo

    2 questions with kegging

    Just put my first batch in a keg it had 14 days in the fermenter, then kegged carbed and now been in fridge for nearly a week, Should I leave the keg out of the fridge for extra conditioning? Or is it ok to leave In the fridge? Beer taps, there is a huge price difference the ones I have...
  19. Ghizo

    Recipe DB

    I have been looking through the recipe section and Se posts with links to Recipe DB hut when I click on the link i get an error ? How do I find these recipes?
  20. Ghizo

    Tequila beer

    Just been to a Mexican restaurant and they had a beer Desperados it is a cerveza with tequila. I am about to put down a cerveza and thought I might experiment, But don't want to try with a whole brew, I use kegs but get a couple of bottles as well, would it work if I added a nip of tequila...