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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. stuartf

    Growler etiquette?

    I have a growler with a brewery's logo on it that I won in my club's raffle. Is it considered rude if I rock up to another brewery (one that does growler fills obviously) with this and ask for a fill up?
  2. stuartf

    Fresh coriander seeds

    My coriander bushes are going to seed at a rapid rate right now despite my best attempts to keep them pruned. Has anyone used coriander seeds fresh in a brew? Planning a Belgian saison soon and thought since I'm getting seeds on my plants I may as well pit them to good use bit would they be...
  3. stuartf

    Using dried fruit in secondary

    Planning to use dried fruit in secondary for a Belgian dubbel but heard that sulfites used can cause issues does anyone have experience with this? My thoughts were to use sultanas or prunes soaked in dark rum in secondary
  4. stuartf

    Breiss apple wood smoked malt

    Anyone played with the Breiss apple wood smoked malt before? Have some at home and thinking of using it in a smoked porter. At the moment I'm using at around 5% at the moment to see how it comes across in the finished beer.
  5. stuartf

    Go to Asian beer?

    Sitting in Bali on the way back from visiting a mate in Singapore and it got me wondering what beer do people go for in SE asia where the idea of a pint of bitter, DIPA or RIS is a remote possibility at best? After tiger beer slurpies in singapore and endless bland pints of asian brewed Heineken...
  6. stuartf

    Transfer hose types

    I have a load of this hose left at work, it's vinyl but I think better quality than the standard garden hose stuff as we use it to transfer water from our DI water system to our analysers. Is anyone using this or something similar and how does it go with hot wort? Looking at the specs on...
  7. stuartf

    Abyssinian purple malt wtf?

    In my lhbs today and they had a malt called Abyssinian purple malt. Talking to the guy it's a malted but unroasted wheat. He hasn't used it in anything yet so couldn't tell me what it did for a beer. Anyone heard of it or tried it? Is it some marketing wank or Is it legit?
  8. stuartf

    Brown malt and roast barley in a porter?

    Planning my first crack at a porter to brew over Easter ready for the colder months. I've never used either brown malt or roasted barley before so I'm thinking 85% ale malt 5% brown malt 5% Crystal 70L 3% roast barley Northern brewer or fuggles to 35 IBU. Does that sound a reasonable % for the...
  9. stuartf

    When to toast?

    I'm having a crack at an anzac ale type thing with toasted oats in the mash. I'm pretty happy I have the recipe down after searching various other threads but my question is when should I toast the oats? I'm doing some baking today and could chuck them in the oven now for brewing tomorrow or...
  10. stuartf

    Simcoe combo ipa

    Just looking through my freezer in preparation for next week's brewing frenzy (got a few kegs I need to fill) and found an unopened bag of simcoe pellets I didn't realise I had. Was thinking along the lines of simcoe early, amarillo late and citra whirlpool or something? Heard simcoe works well...
  11. stuartf

    Decoupage anyone?

    I've been thinking about putting some artwork up in my garage to give me something other than bricks to stare at while brewing. Since I can't paint I hit upon the idea of using the labels from various beers I've tried to make a decoupage (stick the labels to a board and cover with glue to seal...
  12. stuartf

    Keg pouring problems

    Im sure this has been asked a million times before so feel free to post a link if possible. Ive just got into kegging and have had an ongoing problem where the keg will pour a few glasses fine then next time i go to pull a pint there is no flow. After a while it cones good again until the next...
  13. stuartf

    Newb keg setup question

    Hey, setting up my new kegerator and wanted to check about splitting the co2 line. I have a 3 font kegerator and need to split the line from the reg to each keg, i have the t junctions etc to do this but does the length for the gas in line matter? I cant see that it should but ive been known to...
  14. stuartf

    Minimum chlorine levels for noticeable phenol/band aid flavours?

    Does anyone have any info on what levels chlorine can start to create bamd aid flavour? Im trying to determine whether i have a problem with wild yeast or chlorine in my brew water. I'm beginning to suspect (and hope) it is the chlorine as i dont have any gushing from the bottled beer and there...
  15. stuartf

    Harvesting Morpheus yeast for sours

    I was drinking a bottle of berliner weisse last night (the ich bin ein berliner ryesse) and saw it uses their morpheus mixed yeast strain. Ive been thinking of brewing a sour for summer so seems like a good idea to try and use this yeast. From what i could find it is a mix of 2 s.cerevisae...
  16. stuartf

    Feral karma Citra

    Bought feral brewing's karma citra dark ipa to try as I hadn't tried a dark IPA before and usually enjoy feral's beers. Have to say I'm not that impressed with it, nothing wrong with it but I expected the citra flavour to be bigger than it is. Did I get a bad batch or is this typical for the...
  17. stuartf

    Lazy yak or Carlton draught?

    Went to my local pub last night for a midweek parma, choice of beers is limited but they had fat yak & lazy yak on tap so thought I'd give the lazy a go. Maybe they used the wrong tap but to my tastebuds this stuff is just rebadged carlton draught. Anyone able to tell me if the guy behind the...
  18. stuartf

    Happy international beer day!

    So someone has designated today as international beer day (not sure how its different to any other friday personally). So in celebration of this fact what is everyone drinking tonight?
  19. stuartf

    Off flavours from cascade dry hop?

    Tasting my latest ale and there is a flavour im not liking. Cant quite describe it but its a bit tart, maybe some grassy flavour? Its all cascade (30g at 60, 20 and 5 minutes) and gravity samples tasted fine but then i chucked a handful of cascade flowers in to dry hop. Got too busy to bottle...
  20. stuartf

    pilsner hop advice

    About to do my 3rd pilsner tomorrow and looking for some advice for hops. Previous 2 have used hallertau mit. This time I have saaz and tettnang in stock so was planning to use one of them. Thinking of going with saaz as I have some bohemian pilsner malt so seems appropriate tonuse a Czech hop...