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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. wereprawn

    Out by oral.

    From nine news sports page. Didn't know batsmen could get out this way. "Aussie opener Cameron Bancroft's tough summer continued after he was dismissed for a suck, while England had a sniff at 2-86 when his opening partner David Warner (56) fell to a nice ball from James Anderson."...
  2. wereprawn

    A break for craft brewers?
  3. wereprawn

    Enigma hops, where to buy.

    Anyone know where to buy some of these tasty blighters. They're quite unique and I would have thought they'd be all the rage with Aussie brewers . Tried some in the Moo Brew SMaSH a few months back..mmm..
  4. wereprawn

    A new way to sanitize water.
  5. wereprawn

    Krausen has dropped. No yeast!

    2 days ago i checked my fermenting beer and it had a decent amount of yeast on top. The brew had been fermenting since 18th of this i brewed this arvo, thinking i'd top crop . Finished making a lovely wort , only to to find the krausen on the other beer has dropped like a stone to...
  6. wereprawn

    Sugar in a wheat beer ?

    So.....after mashing too high, and going over intended volume, i have a beer which has finished at 1016 (OG 1044). Looks like i've made beer flavoured soft drink at around 3.6% ABV! Would adding 200g of sugar be a good idea? Bump up the ABV and thin it out a tad? This my first wheat beer, Les's...
  7. wereprawn

    hop haze

    Hi all, I sometimes get a crazy amount of hop haze in my brews which have been dry hopped. I expect a bit of haze with dry hopping but not this much. So i am wondering if people have had more success with steeping their hops to avoid the haze. Could it be related to my...
  8. wereprawn

    Kegging infected beer

    Hi all, I was just about to keg pale ale that i have had in primary for 2 weeks. Unfortunately i have the beginnings of an infection ie- the dreaded film on top with one small whitish bubble. The film is very thin at this stage and wasn't noticeable 2 days ago.( probably should not...
  9. wereprawn

    St peters ruby red ale

    Been looking for an AG recipe for with no success. Anyone made a decent clone that they would care to share the recipe for? One of my favorite beers but at $8 a 500 ml bottle, it's way to expensive to buy many for my limited beer budget.
  10. wereprawn

    Sweet beer, low mash temp!

    I've mashed my first 2 AG beers at 64-62c for a drier brew. But, while delicious, they both have quite a bit of sweetness about them. # 1 2.5 kg JW pils 800 g JW Wheat 800 g JW munich 250 g carahell 5 g magnum @ 60 min 15 g Saaz @ 60 min 30 g saaz @ 20 min us-05 @ 16 c. Og-? FG-...
  11. wereprawn

    20 ltr pot 20ltr brew?

    Hi all, Just about to give this all grain bit a go after 24 odd years of kits and extract brews. Now, I am confident I can work out water, gain ect. But my issue is that I have 1 pot that holds 20 ltrs. Should I split the ingredients and do 2 mashes and boils or mash once then sparge? I can...
  12. wereprawn

    Ill informed fear mongering

    They are at it again. But this time it concerns BEER.
  13. wereprawn

    Amusing nicknames for the other half

    Hi all, Wondering what nicknames you guys have for the special woman/man in your lives. A couple I have for my wife are "Tina - Worrier Princess". And " Running Bear With Eagle Eye " as she will spot anything shiny at a range of at least 500 mtrs and move surprisingly quickly to obtain said...
  14. wereprawn

    Brew bottles for sale- Mackay

    A mate has tallies (old thick glass type) for sale $7 a doz and carona bottles neg. He's not much good on a pc so pm me if interested and I will put you in touch. Cheers.
  15. wereprawn

    Stay down ya ******* !

    How do you guys keep your hop bags from floating? I have tried putting various heavy odds n sods in my hop bag . It sinks but then comes back to the top within an hour or so. For years I just threw them into the brew loose but have noticed that some varieties leave an intense grassy flavour when...
  16. wereprawn

    Red Trolley Ale-Anchovies

    Just tried a Red Trolley Ale for the first time. **** me if it doesn't smell of Anchovies. Just finished a Sierra Navada P A. So thought it was just me. Let the Missus have a whiff (without letting her know my opinion) and asked what she thought it smelled like. "Anchovies" says the Little Big...
  17. wereprawn

    Best ways to get into kegging?

    Hi All, In November I will be buying a keg setup. I want a 2 keg, 2 tap system. Ebay has them for $399 with unspecified p&h. Can't find complete setups on any Aussie brewing sites. Does anyone have any advice on sourcing the gear cheaper. I have bought a fridge and plan to run the...
  18. wereprawn

    high temp yeasts ?

    With the warm weather just around the corner does anyone have suggestions on using a yeast that will produce a decent beer with the higher temps. The old evaporation method of cooling does not work well up here in summer as the air is already so full of moisture. Don't have a spare fridge...
  19. wereprawn

    the point of secondary ?

    After looking through a lot of forums/articles/blogs on the need for secondary fermentation ,or, the pointlessness of secondary. I am still a bit confused. Brewers claim leaving the brew on the yeast cake for a couple of weeks/months will ensure the yeast reabsorbs off flavours and secondary is...
  20. wereprawn

    do specialty malts need a hot break?

    hi everyone, I made up a coopers lager brew a few days and put 200g of victory and 100g of crystal medium in. I cracked the grains and steeped them in hot water for half an hour.the resulting liquid looked and smelled malty but did not taste even slightly sweet. I removed the...