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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. slash22000

    15/16 inch US tap -> adapt to AU garden hose?

    This one is a long shot but I'm hoping I'm not the only person in Australia who has suffered the yankee curse. Moved into a new unit, my hose adapters don't fit any of the new taps. After a few hours of Googling it turns out the wanker landlord has installed American faucets with "15/16 inch"...
  2. slash22000

    Refractometer reading way off

    Just finishing up a brew, hydrometer is reading 1.054 OG (temperature corrected), my new ATC refractometer is reading 15 brix (1.062)? I made sure to calibrate it with distilled water before using it (reading 0 brix exactly). It doesn't have a SG scale so I can't compare them. Is this just a...
  3. slash22000

    Ball lock gas disconnect releasing gas when not connected

    G'day all, Quick/simple: bought a white ball lock gas disconnect from Craftbrewer to replace an old cracked one, but it's pissing out gas even when it's not connected to a post. It's not a leak in the line, it's coming out of the actual disconnect itself, where it is supposed to come out of...
  4. slash22000

    NHC 2013: Kai Troester ( on stirplate starters This was very interesting. For those interested in the basic summary: Constantly stirred starter showed vastly superior growth over unstirred starter (pretty sure we all know this one) The greater access to oxygen...
  5. slash22000

    Final gravity scale hydrometer?

    Is there anywhere in Australia where you can get hydrometers scaled for final gravity only? Like maybe 1.000 - 1.030 or something? I've seen them for sale in the US etc but I can't seem to find any local results. :unsure: Cheers all.
  6. slash22000

    "Crystal 150L" or "Extra Dark Crystal" availability in

    Looking for some of the above, but can't seem to find a source. The darkest crystal I can find is around 120L, but this recipe specifically requires US Crystal 150L or UK "Extra Dark Crystal". Special B and Caraaroma are around that level but the recipe again specifically states NOT to use...
  7. slash22000

    Mash time/temperature, possible to pre-determine fermentability?

    G'day all, So we all know that a higher temperature results in a less fermentable wort, and we know that a longer mash results in a more fermentable wort, but is there any way to determine exactly what the effects will be? Some software out there? Or is it just trial/error? I normally brew...
  8. slash22000

    Darwin - Woolworths bottleshop stocking Feral Brewing!

    Just a heads up for any other Darwin dwellers around, Woolies at Casuarina is stocking Feral Brewing beers! :D I'm not sure if the rest of the country is following suit, but it's so damn good to have some great beers around for once! Treated myself to a 4 pack of "Hop Hog" for ~$18, not cheap...
  9. slash22000

    "Caramel Munich 60L", "Caramel 60L" - experiences?

    Okay so, I bought a couple kilos of American Crystal 60 a while back, or what I thought was Crystal 60, but on closer inspection today it is labelled as "Caramel Munich 60L". That's what I get for not reading things properly. At first I thought maybe I had been sent UK Caramunich by mistake...
  10. slash22000

    Buying "HopShot" in Australia?

    So I'm looking to make a recipe that calls for "HopShot": I can't find anywhere in Australia that sells it. I've been told that "isomerised hop extract" is the same thing? I've seen a few places selling that, but it seems to be like "no name"...
  11. slash22000

    Kegging hoppy beers - driving me insane

    Seriously, feel like tearing my hair out, and judging by Google I'm not the only one. I know for a fact it's possible to properly keg hoppy beers - professional breweries can do it, and pubs can serve it, so what is the missing link? I can go to a pub and get a hoppy IPA poured for me, so why...
  12. slash22000

    Build/buy a wooden grain mill base "For Dummies"?

    Okay so, as somebody who has never so much as nailed two bits of wood together, where would I start learning how to make my own grain mill base? Or, even easier, buy one? I have a "Malt Muncher" mill with a power drill I use to turn it, that I've just sort of been balancing over a bucket with a...
  13. slash22000

    Sanitising/cleaning 0.5 micron stainless air stone?

    Okay so, first of all, yes, I did Google it. ;) The Internet has failed me. There seems to be a huge amount of conflicting information on the subject. "Soak it in sanitiser." - "Don't soak an airstone, it will clog!" "Boil it for 15 minutes." - "Boiling it won't sanitise it, you will die!"...
  14. slash22000

    Pitching specific weight of dry yeast >11.5g <23.0g?

    I'm planning on making a beer, OG ~1.073, 22 litres. MrMalty says I should use 15g of dry yeast (assuming 100% viability). Normally I'd just chuck in a 11.5g packet and hope for the best, but 15g is a fair amount over 11.5g and I doubt it's literally 100% viable (been refrigerated since day 1...
  15. slash22000

    Swiss Voile brew bags - anywhere you can buy them?

    So I bought a random brew bag from eBay and it's bloody hopeless. I could walk through the material, let alone hops/grains. Looks like these Swiss Voile things are a bloody needle in a haystack. Everybody on Google raves about how great they are but nobody seems to know where you can get them...
  16. slash22000

    Extract brew almost completely tasteless?

    Okay so, bit of an odd situation I've run up against. I've recently been making extract brews in my Birko urn, that is, starting with a base of unhopped dry malt and working my way up from there. So far, relatively good, I guess. However, I still have a few Coopers tins lying around and since I...
  17. slash22000

    Anybody in AU selling those mini oxygen regulators for disposable tank

    I've seen a few Aussie retailers advertise oxygen aeration kits but the ones I can find are out of stock. Maybe somebody accidentally bought two and doesn't want their second one? :P I can get them from America but I don't want to wait weeks for delivery and I'd rather not pay $50 shipping for...
  18. slash22000

    Drill for grain mill - torque requirements?

    G'day all, So I tried my grain mill out for the first time on the weekend and discovered two things in about 2 minutes: ... 1) I gave up on hand cranking after 30 seconds 2) The dodgy 12V Chinese drill I've been using for other purposes doesn't have anywhere near the grunt required to crush...
  19. slash22000

    Electric urn brewers (/other?) - how do you filter pellet hops from wo

    Bit of a rant here. So I did my first full volume boil extract beer in my new 40L Birko urn last night. Everything went as planned, had no problems with reaching a rolling boil (although it took about 20 - 30 minutes to reach a boil), no problem with a "boil dry" switch or something like that...
  20. slash22000

    How many brewers from Darwin do we have here?

    I can't be the only one. There must be a few hiding somewhere around the shop. The more I look into the cost of freight the more I am thinking about just shipping a whole pallet of grain from down south. I dunno how long unmilled grain lasts in tropical conditions but I don't think I'd use an...