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  1. Hugo

    Advice - Similar Flavour In Every Beer

    Thanks for the thoughts thus far. To provide a bit more info... The problem started occuring about two years ago when I was doing partials. It has continued through a move to AG, which makes me think it's in my fermenting/handindling gear, not my brew pot (which is an old Malley's copper wash...
  2. Hugo

    Advice - Similar Flavour In Every Beer

    Evening all I've been contending with a problem for a while now, that seems to produce a distinct flavour in every beer I brew. Not quite sure how to describe, but it seems to have some hints of sarsparilla or licorice. It's not overly offensive, but definitely not "clean". Last year it seemed...
  3. Hugo

    Brewing Software

    Tried running Brewmate on my Mac and didn't have any luck... but I'm not sure if I took the right steps to run in mono? Used my work PC instead and I found it simple and helpful.
  4. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    Fridge is probably too cold, as the aroma and flavour improve markedly as the beer warms a bit in the glass. Doubt that's the problem. I've got some PSR, so I'll give all my bottles a 24hr bath and see how that goes. Many thanks to all for the input
  5. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    Detergent just used as first cut wash straight after use. Bottles are subsequently rinsed again and then given the no-rinse sanitation treatment before being filled. The beer is very fizzy, not just frothy, so I would doubt detergent residue is the problem
  6. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    Usually check gravity as it goes into secondary, and then when I intend to bottle. Normally the number is the same (as it's had two weeks in primary) or a single point lower. Plenty of the over-carbed beers had the same gravity reading going into the secondary as they did on bottling day. I...
  7. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    Would this mean a yeast strain that could take the FG down further than the yeast used in the brew? If it is a wild yeast, what would be the best one-off heavy-duty sterilising option? I currently wash in detergent and sterilise with a no-rinse steriliser (I think it's called "sanitize").
  8. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    They have ranged from an IPA that threatened your eyesight when opened, to a Summer Ale that will froth out the top of the long neck consistently for 10 mins after opening. In a glass, the Summer Ale produces a very large, open head and the initial mouthfeel is that the beer is far too fizzy. 15...
  9. Hugo

    Chronic Over-carbonation

    I have numerous problems, but this is one of them... My last 5 or 6 brews have all ranged from moderately to substantially over-carbonated. I swap between AG's and partials, and bottle into the same bottles I've been using for years. First step to alleviate the problem was to reduce my gms/L...
  10. Hugo

    Coffee Grinder As Grain Mill?

    I have a friend who owns a couple of cafe's and is interested in AG brewing. He has an array of commercial coffee grinders (Mazzer mainly) left over for one reason or another, and wants to know if he can use the grinder as a mill. My immediate thought was that the crush would be way too fine...
  11. Hugo

    Lager Yeast At High Temps

    Brewed my first serious lager this season using W2278 (Czech Pilsner), but due to delays and an unseasonably warm August, temp in my brewshed was above the standard 10 degrees when I pitched. Hovered around 14 degrees for a week or so and activity was slow but constant, and then ambient temp...
  12. Hugo

    Cleaning Old Copper Boiler For Brew Kettle

    Bees Wax Update.... turps was fantastic. 10 mins with a small green scourer and some turps and it was gleaming. I'm going to follow it up with some more conventional brewing cleaners to address some of the non-wax crud that's accumulated over the years, but the wax problem appears to have been...
  13. Hugo

    Cleaning Old Copper Boiler For Brew Kettle

    I know a lot of people use copper for manifolds in their mash tuns, so I didn't think it would be a problem?
  14. Hugo

    Cleaning Old Copper Boiler For Brew Kettle

    I've been doing big partials for a number of years now, but recently a friend gifted me an old Malley's copper boiler retrofitted with a gas burner. It looks the perfect piece of equipment for me to move into full AG brewing, but its previous use was to melt the wax off bee frames.... hence it's...
  15. Hugo

    Wy1968 - London Esb Ale

    Loving this post... sat down to start a thread about this yeast tonight and it was already done for me. But I have a question/problem.... I brewed my first ESB with 1968 about 7 weeks ago and it behaved much as has been described on this post. I racked after about 2 weeks and have never seen a...