Recent content by Hinji

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hinji

    Need Quick Answer On Mash Time

    5 or 10 minutes over wont make any difference. Better to be over to give the grains time to convert.
  2. Hinji

    Keen To Brew, But Hot As Hell In Adelaide

    Hey mate, Your too right.. farking hot here! If you head on over to BrewAdelaide you'll see a post from me about a Saison that I'm brewing at the moment. I have been brewing this in ambient temperatures which have been around 34-35 degrees. High temperatures such as this are reasonably normal...
  3. Hinji


    Is it worth underpitching a starter of the 3711 or just go by the MrMalty calculations as usual??
  4. Hinji

    What Are You Brewing III

    Rye Saison Today; Rye Saison (Saison) Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (P): 11.9 Final Gravity (FG): 1.010 (P): 2.6 Alcohol (ABV): 5.03 % Colour (SRM): 3.8 (EBC): 7.5 Bitterness (IBU): 26.2 (Average - No Chill Adjusted) 60% Pilsner 24% Wheat Malt 16% Rye Malt 0.6...
  5. Hinji

    How Much Did You Brew In 2011?

    All up around 380 Litres. Done about 5 Kits at the start of the year until I made the best decision ever to go AG. Since that I have done 13 AG brews.
  6. Hinji

    First Biab Day!

    Just need a randall full of cascade...
  7. Hinji

    First Time Carbing A Keg - Leaky Prv

    Thanks guys, I bought 2 kegs, so swapped the lids over and the other PRV is holding its pressure. First pint of kegged beer is tasting great.. now for another. :icon_cheers: John
  8. Hinji

    First Time Carbing A Keg - Leaky Prv

    Hi guys, Have just transferred my first kegged beer into my new corny and have tried to force carb it. As soon as I turned the regulator on, the pressure relief valve started leaking with beer coming out of it. Have I filled up the keg too much? Or does the PRV sound rooted? Cheers for your...
  9. Hinji

    AHB Articles: 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-Adelaide spring case swap

    Pizza sounds great mate, whatever's easiest for you. I'm sure I can bring some type of snack as well. Should I also bring extra ice??
  10. Hinji

    Hatchy Had A James Squires

    Yeah that was one horrible beer. I have no experience with smoked beer and am hoping that other smoked beers are much better than that shite.
  11. Hinji

    Kegging Gear For Sale

    Hey mate, Interested in the regulator, is it a micromatic one? Cheers
  12. Hinji

    What Are You Brewing III

    Not the smoothest brewday but enjoyable all the same. Trying to use up my galaxy flowers. Galaxy Pale Ale (American Pale Ale) Original Gravity (OG): 1.049 (P): 12.1 Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (P): 3.1 Alcohol (ABV): 4.81 % Colour (SRM): 6.4 (EBC): 12.6 Bitterness (IBU)...
  13. Hinji

    When A Little Knowlege Is A Dangerous Thing

    Yep it's a bitch. Good thing is you only do it once!
  14. Hinji

    Who Is Drinking Tonight?!

    Drinking a S&W Pacific Ale clone that has just carbed up in the bottle. Shit damn, longnecks get finished off far too quickly. Cheers :icon_cheers:
  15. Hinji

    Clumping Yeast

    Hi guys, I think I may have had a similar problem with my ESB I have fermenting. I pitched the White Labs 'London Dry Yeast' WLP007 on Saturday, and fermentation was good for the first couple of days but the yeast has now settled into a dense layer on the bottom of the fermenter and SG has been...