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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hassles

    AHB Articles: Long Term Storage of Yeast in Distilled Water

    Having recently harvested yeast (Cooper's Vintage and Sparkling ales, Chimay & others) and stored in plastic vials under distilled water I found very quickly that they would not enliven when placed into a starter solution and a couple of weeks later were "all obviously dead" eg: chocolate dark...
  2. Hassles

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    Too many discrepancies with regards to STC 1000 wiring diagrams floating about. Found a nice one on the Cooper's forum and found confirmation here which is pleasing. Way way too many abysmal Youtube demos with incredibly shonky solutions - many just gave me the heebee jeebees. Have just...
  3. Hassles

    NG Burner req.

    I had a gas line installed behind the electric stove so I could swap to gas instead. The kitchen is pretty easy to ventilate - exhaust fans, doors and windows which can all be left ajar. thanks
  4. Hassles

    NG Burner req.

    I'm intending using an old brewery keg and due to the nature of the kegs base, I reckon gas is the only way I'll get enough heat to keep a rolling boil and give me control. I have an electric stove and it just won't boil anything beyond a few liters unless the lids on. I am also not interested...
  5. Hassles

    NG Burner req.

    G'day I am wanting to acquire a brewpot burner that will run on Natural Gas for in kitchen brewing. I was rather keen on Italian Spiral Burners thinking these were designed for LPG and another for Natural Gas. It appears I am wrong. The Mongolian burners seem suitable with the exception that I'm...
  6. Hassles

    Coopers Celebration Ale

    I'm takin' a six-pack visiting beer fiends, I mean friends, tonight. I think from the posts here that temperature may play a very important role in the enjoyment of the Celebration Ale. I have a tendency of over-chill my beers and allow them to warm a little in the glass to an appropriate level...
  7. Hassles

    Coopers Celebration Ale

    I have just received a response from my local beer (liquor) merchant and she is of the belief that the Vintage Ale is in a smaller bottle than they have previously been - damn!
  8. Hassles

    Coopers Celebration Ale

    Re: smaller bottles - Not being familiar with the business end of brewing I can only speculate upon their reasoning but...a friend suggested that the smaller bottle 'might' have some taxation ramifications. I find this cause for thought as all the craft/microbrewers employ the smaller (333ml)...
  9. Hassles

    Coopers Celebration Ale

    Dan Murphy's stock the Celebration Ale at $53+ per case. What? Vintage Ale in smaller bottles? ? ? Cascade Brewery tried this and their customers left them in droves. I was under the impression the (1.5L) Magnum's were only offered to Cooper's club members or similar. Even then, the costs...
  10. Hassles

    Pre Brew Steeping

    It is my intention to bulk prime with a corn syrup solution. I also wish to steep some carapils for their benefit. I would like to steep the carapils, carry this solution to the extract based brew and add. Seeing I am adding the priming solution I was 'wondering' if I could add both solutions at...
  11. Hassles

    Pre Brew Steeping

    hmm, been pondering 'bout steepin' some CaraPils to add mouthfeel to a brew. I am wonderin' if I can steep the CaraPils (in a small quantity of water) and then stir in some corn syrup and THEN use this mixture to prime a batch of beer. If I do this will the CaraPils have the "desired" impact...
  12. Hassles

    Knappstein Lager Extract Kit

    G'day I am considering having a go at making the Knappstein Lager extract kit and wish to know if anybody else here has done so and seek there opinions on the viability of this kit, how it turned out and any suggested enhancements they / you may have. Thanks
  13. Hassles

    Coranderrk Station

    A quick question but...before then a brief synopsis about Coranderrk Station. Coranderrk Station was established in 1863 (the year after Thomas Cooper created his Sparkling Ale - trivia) and was essentially an Aboriginal station where hops were grown. This station and related activity ceased in...
  14. Hassles

    Not A Dark Beer Fan

    Saying you don't like dark beers is akin to saying you don't like the night sky - every evening is different. I don't appreciate Stout and many Porter styles but....I generally love Dark beers, especially ales (extra especially those big bold in-your-face Belgian Trappist ales) and I must admit...
  15. Hassles

    10% Anyone?

    FWIW The high alcohol beers are great because you can turn your back on them and savour them next year :-) One reason I really love them is for this attribute. As I keep many of my red wines for beyond a decade I find it rather easy to throw a few bottles of high-octane ale in to keep them...