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  1. BeerSwiller

    Chill Haze Additives

    Thank you! I do like the brewbrite as once its done in the kettle, there is nothing to add to fermenter ect post fermentation. Have had issues with oxidation in the past adding things to the fermenter. Cheers
  2. BeerSwiller

    Chill Haze Additives

    Hi All, Just wondering what people use for chill haze? I have used Polyclar Brewbrite, 5g /20lt @10min left in the boil. I have found it hard to source now and craftbrewer where i got my last lot, says they are out of stock. Has this been replaced by something else? or discontinued?
  3. BeerSwiller

    SS brewmaster or brew bucket?

    Sure is handy that's for sure, Got a 20lt BM, keg fridge and all the bits so replacing the old plastic fermenter was the last thing on the list (so far) :)
  4. BeerSwiller

    SS brewmaster or brew bucket?

    A lot of great info thanks guys, I have emailed Andrew @ Full Pint to maybe change my order to the original brew bucket, thinking that might be the go as it will save me pulling an thing apart and cleaning/sanitizing when its not going to be a real bonus having. thanks :)
  5. BeerSwiller

    SS brewmaster or brew bucket?

    Thanks for all the info guys, firstly i do have a fermenting fridge with temperature control and was intending on using the STC temp controller probe inside the thermowell. Was just wondering about peoples thoughts on using with a thermowell vs just sticking the probe to the side of the...
  6. BeerSwiller

    SS brewmaster or brew bucket?

    Hi all, Just wondering what people's thoughts area about the new fermenters from SS brewing? Don't know whether to get the new version with built in thermowell or the old one and just stick on a thermometer strip? Any advice would be great
  7. BeerSwiller

    Honey/Sweet Taste developing in finished beer

    Another thing with this beer i noticed, is that the head retention has become very poor?
  8. BeerSwiller

    Honey/Sweet Taste developing in finished beer

    Thanks heaps guys, a good bit of info.. I have a lot of times not sanitised keg and filter gear as i just soak in sodium percarbonate, rinse and store.. I thought that possibly it was some sort of bacteria or oxidation that produced this flavour and I was under the impression that if you didn't...
  9. BeerSwiller

    Honey/Sweet Taste developing in finished beer

    Hi All, I have made couple of brews lately and due to my own fault I don't think the filter/keg and tubing was sanitised properly or at all and once filtered and kegged the beer tasted fresh, hoppy ext (although still very green) but once it has been sitting for a few weeks noticed that it was...
  10. BeerSwiller

    Aeration - Is splashing into a fermenter enough?

    Thanks for all the great info, I was thinking of buying and airpump but sounds like its a waste if time and money, might be a good thing to try injecting o2 for my lagers, I have no real problem with other beer types but things like clean lagers / pilsners ect could be better
  11. BeerSwiller

    Aeration - Is splashing into a fermenter enough?

    Hi All, Just wondering about the aeration thing, i have always just splashed it from the cube into fermenter but wondering if this is actually enough for happy yeast or if i should be buying an aeration kit, seem to be pretty cheap from keg king ect. I havent used yeast nutrient either so not...
  12. BeerSwiller

    Diptube flow restrictor for soda water keg?

    Not too sure how a poppet valve would make any difference, all kegs have them? I've got generic ones and original and seem the same to me. I might try the dip tube type restrictors as I can't lengthen my line without replace the whole line and the line that come with the font from CraftBrewer...
  13. BeerSwiller

    Diptube flow restrictor for soda water keg?

    Hi All, I use a kegking fridge with CB font and 525ss taps, I use 2 kegs with beer and 1 keg for soda, only problem is that having a higher pressure in the soda keg, the pour at the tap is too fast. My question, has anybody used these dip tube flow restrictors from Craftbrewer...
  14. BeerSwiller

    can someone tell me what this means?

    Sorry about the late reply guys, Yeah the brew still tastes fine, had a few mates have a crack at it and thought it was fine, was just a simple mash; mash in @ 38 rise to 53c for 10min rise to 63c for 75min rise to 78c for 15min no-chilled and put into fermenter a few days later used a slurry...
  15. BeerSwiller

    can someone tell me what this means?

    Hi All, Brewed a green bullet lager with 100% pilsner malt and fermented out with S189 @ 12c, never seen anything like this with the head formation and the beer tastes and smells fine so i didn't think it was anything like an infection but im really not sure.. weird..