all grain

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Please help work out what hardware I've got and what I should do with it

    Howdy, Apologies if this is in the wrong section, wasn't sure if I should put it in 'DIY' or not So I was intending to get into brewing a few years ago, made some equipment then moved house and it’s been forgotten ever since. I’m looking at everything with fresh eyes and to be honest can’t...
  2. d3vour3r

    Sold All-Grain setup - Kegland Robobrew and other equipment/gear/adjuncts

    Home brew gear as per list below. Always thoroughly cleaned after use. Selling as a complete lot. $450 Pickup Only from 4160. Itemised List: 35L Robobrew Stainless Steel Strainer Hop Spider 19L SS Pot 2200W element kegking thermometer Ball Valve 20L Cube 20L Bucket 15L Esky Cooler 5L...
  3. NzBrewerMatt

    Cacao Nibs - end of boil

    Hi all I'm keen to hear your experience from those of you who have used cacao nibs at the end of the boil. What flavours did you get, any flavours you didn't want to get etc. I have some raw cacao nibs that I am going to roast tonight before brewing. Because I am putting the cacao nibs at the...
  4. R

    Small 'all in 1' kitchen brewing univessel

    Hey! Long time reader first time poster here. About a year ago I set out to build my own budget 'all in 1' brewing univessel & this is what I came up with. All up it cost me about $250. I just purchased a 25 litre stainless steel fermenter, added a valve, thermometer & air lock. I AG BIAB...
  5. S

    3V System

    Selling up as I don't have time to brew any more. Have been building this system over many years and several iterations. The control panel is 95% Complete and just needs to be tested and commissioned. It is setup to handle a 15A 3600w Element for the main boiler but this hasn't been installed...
  6. P

    What brewing Automation Controller / Platform do you use & why?

    I am planning an All Grain HERMS electric home brewery build of up to 1/2BBL. I want to partially automate, control & log accurate statistics of my entire brewing process, all the way up to bottling / kegging. The problem I am having is trying to find the best automation platform for the job...
  7. Yann

    My home-made rig for sale

    Located in Sydney. It's with regrets that I'll have to let go my rig. It has been rebuilt three times and have had no chances to rebuild it again since my second son is born a few months ago. I need some room in the garage for now so I might has well sell now and reinvest in a few years...
  8. NzBrewerMatt

    Cleaning the Fermentasaurus

    Hi team, how are you guys cleaning the fermentasaurus? I finished my first brew with this fermenter over the weekend and found cleaning to be a massive pain. I couldn't get my arm in there to clean the outside where the hops and yeast had left marks. Are you using a specific tool to clean or a...
  9. NzBrewerMatt

    Fermenting in a Fermentasaurus

    Hi Home Brewers! Just finished brewing an all grain batch last night which I have transferred into the Fermentasaurus which I am using for the first time. I'm definitely excited to start using the Fermentasaurus as it looks to be a great piece of kit and it was extremely cheap for a plastic...
  10. B


    Caught up with an old brewing friend who lives in Darwin. He told me of a BIABer up there who spilled the whole boiling kettle on himself, spending 3 weeks in hospital with 3rd degree burns. An injury like that will lead to a lifetime of disability. This has given me a hell of a pause for...
  11. NzBrewerMatt

    All Grain Efficiency Very Low - What am I doing wrong

    Hi all Hoping you can help. I'm currently brewing on a three-tier system consisting of 3 56L stainless steel kettles. Unfortunately, I'm getting a really bad efficiency. Yesterday I did a brew and it came out at about 58% efficiency. I did a SMaSH recipe which is below; Batch Size: 23L...
  12. Scottywilliam

    First time trying all grain and not sure if something is wrong with my batch.

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and too home brewing. I have recently started my first batch off all grain beer and everything went smoothly until I pitched the yeast earlier today. The top of my batch looks odd to me so I'm after some advice from some more seasoned Brewers. I'm using a...
  13. BrockHops

    Base malts for new AG BIABer

    G'day, Just slowly gearing myself up to BIAB. I've been kit/extract brewing using spec grains and hops for a few years and ready for a slide down the slippery slope.. My question is what are the staple grains to keep in stock? Mainly brewing Pales, stouts, keen to knock up some Germans, Helles/...
  14. G

    Grain Father and Sparge Heater

    Brisbane - Selling my beloved Grain Father and Grain Father Sparge Heater. Done about 10 brews on this bad boy but due to having twins, I'm having to go back to Fresh Wort kits as I don't have time for a full brew day, and probably won't for many years to come. Both items are in great condition...