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  1. Neil Buttriss

    KegKing now at

    Thats true, that accountant didn't want to get to much involved by the sounds of it. It goes back a long way, but I don't think I would be happy to get up 1 day and be told my 50 shares were now 10, and then find out how it was done.
  2. Neil Buttriss

    KegKing now at

    17th/18th July have been put aside for Sam. Hope he's OK though. It has been a great insight though how 2 persons greed can affect so many.
  3. Neil Buttriss


    Once the Hydrom is setup you will not see it on the wifi, when turned on the Blus(I think )light will flash and then it will send data to whatever you have it setup for. I found Brewersfriend easiest as it sets up as an Ispindel, Unidots was more complex, I also found that setting it at 30 mins...
  4. Neil Buttriss


    Brewman, Steve, I brewed a 500ml batch with that packet of Gingerbread Cookie infusion grain you donated to me. Gee its hard to brew a pint batch. But anyway it wasn't too bad.
  5. Neil Buttriss

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    The Guten Systems are also sold worldwide but they are sold under a few different brand names. However I guess your market reseach didn't want to include these other same units. I find it funny you include the Brewzilla in worldwide aspect but only include the Guten in Australian terms!
  6. Neil Buttriss

    First Kegerator Pour

    Did you ferment under pressure if so you have probably over carbed your keg, Put the gas disconnect on the liquid post and give it about 5/7 psi for 10 secs, then try a pour after 5 mins, if its still foamy then repeat. If the beer is overcarbed then it probably also seems to be flat.
  7. Neil Buttriss

    Milling Grain

    As all grains differ in size it is always a good idea to put 200g or so through and check it, In general mills are not set and forget.
  8. Neil Buttriss

    Do we have a consensus on storing kegged beer warm yet?

    I once left a porter out to age as I was pushing for room. It was in winter and probably got to around 15/18 degrees, I didnt need to carbonate it even though I had cold crashed there was enough yeast still present to get it going again. Very carbonated but tasted good once I reduced the...
  9. Neil Buttriss

    Unknown grain ratios

    I often just use my left over grain bits and pieces along with hops that need using to make up a brew, I have actually made some very good beers but I wouldn't say they are repeatable.
  10. Neil Buttriss

    First AG Brew

    Even Notty will struggle with that sort of OG, 2 packets would have been the way to go, in saying that you have acheived a reasonable attenuation with just 1 packet. I would leave it a few days until it really bottoms out. I do have a profile for the 40 but not for brewfather but I would think...
  11. Neil Buttriss

    RAPT Pill

    Once the unit is in the wort then if it is clean it won't infect, after fermentation you simply remove it from the fermenter and then clean it, this means removing the lid and cleaning as you would any brewing component. After cleaning then its good to go again same as an Ispindel is. After all...
  12. Neil Buttriss

    Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer

    I think the way Tjorben answered was also very honest, he explained a lot of things and highlighted things that don't matter in the big scheme of things. But it shows that you must do your proper research before going in to hard about what I personally feel is a superior product, and then be...
  13. Neil Buttriss

    Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer

    I'm not sure, but when I wasn't sure about it working with Brewersfriend I emailed the developer via his site about it. He tested and informed me that it would setup like an Ispindel, he then updated the e manual. If Grainfather can use any of the options it may work.
  14. Neil Buttriss

    RAPT Pill

    I think that you will find the Hydrom also uses the ESP32 chip, but you of course you would know this if you had used one as you stated I guess, Battery usage is very good 3 brews over 42 days at 15 minute intervals 39% battery usage in real time.
  15. Neil Buttriss

    Tilt Hydrometers

    Hi Mark, I have been using Electronic Hydrometers for a few years now and have used tilts , the tilt pro and have also Hi Mark, I have been using electronic hydrometers for a few years now first they are not point to point accurate close but not quite. I have used both the small tilt and the...
  16. Neil Buttriss

    Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer

    Hello, there is currently a bit of debate in another thread as to the worth of Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer. As per a suggestion I think it's worthy of it's own topic so lets go. The Hydrom is an Electronic Hydrometer that is very similiar in design to the Ispindel, I believe the developer was...
  17. Neil Buttriss

    RAPT Pill

    I have purchased and used the Hydrom now in 3 different brews, it was purchased in Australia from those that I can't mention in this post but it is $100 australian + shipping. Just do a google search you will find it. I also did some figures with the tilt pro and the Hydrom is very accurate, I...