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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Equipment Wanted (Sydney) Looking to buy 2nd hand Braumeister / NANO-X BIABasket / Electric Brewhouse + accessories!

    Hi All, After selling my complete brewing kit a couple of years ago, the bug has bit again and I'm looking for a 2nd hand electric brewhouse (BM20 / NANO-X BIABasket / etc.). I also need a malt mill, wort chiller, pump, all the usual accessories. Let me know what you've got!
  2. N

    Complete 20 litre Braumeister Brewing Rig $1964

    It would be worth buying then selling it piece by piece. Which I would do if I had the time!
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    Complete 20 litre Braumeister Brewing Rig $1964

    Oh yes, sorry. I'd rather not split iit up at this point though.
  4. N

    Complete 20 litre Braumeister Brewing Rig $1964

    Ah no. But if you ditched the bulky relatively cheap items - like the ferm vessels, bottles, and maybe larger grain as well - maybe the shipping wouldn't be too bad. The Braumeister box would almost fit everything else.
  5. N

    Complete 20 litre Braumeister Brewing Rig $1964

    So I need to clear all my brewing equipment, ingredients, and other stuff. This would be a great brewhouse for someone moving into all grain and has absolutely everything required to produce tasty cold beer. The 20L BM is user-friendly and makes great beer with a minimal amount of fuss. Most of...
  6. N

    WLP001 not fermenting in bottle

    Thanks, I cold crashed for 3 and 4 days in normal fridge. About 8 weeks in the bottle at room temp. I split the 20L into 2 x 10L batches. After 3 days at 21c immediately after bottling, the other FV with WLP051 carbed fine. Thought it was odd the first time with bulk prime, but second time?
  7. N

    WLP001 not fermenting in bottle

    Hi, Just wondering if others have encountered this. For two batches in a row, the beer brewed with WLP001, have fermented fine but not bottled conditioned. The first one was cold-crashed and bulk primed, the second one was cold-crashed and individually dosed. Is this usual for this yeast? It...
  8. N

    broken diffusion stone

    Thanks Moog and MHB. Yes, I can buy 2 stones for the price of the glue!
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    broken diffusion stone

    Heya, I boiled my diffusion stone a little too long and it separated. Any ideas on putting it back just slides off at the moment.
  10. N

    Special Roast Malt (Briess)

    Hi, I'm trying to find a Sydney source for Special Roast Malt (Briess). I've checked the online stores but if you know of someone, without an online store, who stocks it that would be great. Clever Brewing (Melbourne) sells it but I only need 200g (ONE Dollar!) and it's still 13$ for delivery...
  11. N

    Sydney Bulk Grain buy 2018

    I'll be picking up on Saturday if that helps. I live at St Leonards.
  12. N

    S04 or Notti or...? for Coopers Pale Kinda Clone

    Hi, Can't be bothered to culture bottle yeast so what other yeasts have people used with success? I was just going to use AndrewQLD recipe. Mainly to see if I've nuked the infection(s?). 3.5 kg JWM Export Pilsner 0.2 kg JWM Wheat Malt 0.03 kg JWM Dark Crystal 0.65 kg Cane Sugar
  13. N

    Bottle Condition = effin oxidisation

    Yeah, way too many sources of infection it seems. I'll use your tip and go buy a brew only sink tub.
  14. N

    Bottle Condition = effin oxidisation

    I have a mix of those 2 piece taps and the snap taps (which have 7 parts (too many)). I have 2x10L ferms in fridge right now. I spose there's not much I can do with them except clean and sanitise the accessible parts. Mmm, I guess I could siphon the beer into another just cleaned/sanitised...
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    Bottle Condition = effin oxidisation

    I thought the same. But anyway, yes it's an infection. I noticed bottle caps bulging and leaking. Four batches, and many many salty tears, down the sink... I changed two things prior to this happening: Filled kitchen sink with hot water (some boiling) and sanitiser to bulk sanitise bottles. I...
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    Bottle Condition = effin oxidisation

    HBS wasn't game enough to try one of the beers. As it happened in the last month or so, he suggested that they may have oxidised due to the colder weather hindering the yeast. It's prob 15-16c overnight inside.