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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Ingredients For Sale SOLD: Base Malts/Specialty Malts/Pellet Hops (Warnambool, VIC)

    Hi All, I'm moving states in Jan and putting the brewery in storage for the foreseeable future but I've got a bunch of ingredients that I'd rather not let go to waste including: - JW Pale Malt 15-20KG - JW Pils 15-20KG - Best Munich 8KG Less than 1KG each of the following specialty malts: - JW...
  2. G

    For Sale: Complete 3 Vessel Ag Brewery

    Hi all, So Ive barely been brewing for the last year or so and Im moving house soon so the brewery has to go. Included is absolutely everything you need to get started straight away. Brewery consists of: Kettle 60L Aluminium Pot Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve Stainless Beerbelly Pickup Tube...
  3. G

    Approximating Light Crystal

    So was going to put down a Porter tomorrow and I thought i had some light crystal in the cupboard and it turns out i don't :P. I have the following available: Bairds Dark Crystal Wey Carared Wey Dark Munich Question is which of these (or combination of these) would you replace it with? I was...
  4. G

    Electrical Question

    Hey all, I'm in the process of building a control box for my new brew stand and have only a 10A outlet to play with. This is ok at the moment but I want to upgrade to herms in the near future and wont be able to run the HLT and heat exchager at the same time. Is there a way give the exchanger...
  5. G

    Tweaking A Mongolian Burner

    Hey all, I've found my 23 jet mongolian burner to be slightly overkill for single batches (and I was considering the 32 jet model :P ) and have a couple of questions, 1) It came supplied with a ball valve which lacks fine control of flame intensity, is there a better suited valve? 2) Could I...
  6. G

    Wanted: 750ml Bottles - Geelong

    Hi, I'm in the process of getting together some equipment for my first brew and I'm in need of some bottles (pref 2-3 dozen) in Geelong (or surrounding areas), willing to pay :) . Thanks for any help.