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  1. sp0rk


    I notice KK have stopped selling the Guten @wide eyed and legless have you heard anything about a replacement? My 50L is getting a bit tired and I wouldn't mind something a little larger I'd prefer to avoid KL's offerings and now Cheeky Peak seem to be moving away from standard homebrewing...
  2. sp0rk

    Equipment For Sale Sale time at Cheeky Peak Brewery. Some good prices.

    Just keep in mind they've discontinued a bunch of things, I had bought a 50L Nano-X V2 bucket conical thinking I could upgrade over time as they advertised Then it was discontinued 12 months later
  3. sp0rk

    Belgian candi sugar

    I remember having a conversation with you years ago at your old shop about making an Aussie Candi sugar using fresh sugar cane juice Did you ever get around to doing that?
  4. sp0rk

    Stainless Steel fermenters

    yeahhhh, since posting that reply I've found out from Cheeky Peak that they've discontinued the pressure parts without notifying owners right on 1 year after releasing them Not too happy about that...
  5. sp0rk

    Stainless Steel fermenters

    Very happy with my 50L Cheeky Peak NanoX fermenter The 30L is marked down pretty low right now
  6. sp0rk

    Water report for rainwater, anyone??

    because anything in the air can mix into those rain droplets Dust/dirt? Bam, it mixes in Sea Spray? Bam, it mixes in Potentially there is magnesium oxide in the dirt nearby you, and that getting kicked up into the air has given you this reading
  7. sp0rk

    Water report for rainwater, anyone??

    It's definitely not a blank state, depending on where you live you could have lots of NaCl (near the sea), lots of various chlorides and sulfur (near coal mines like me) or any variation of levels It all depends on what's floating around in the air near you
  8. sp0rk


    can we at least bring back Bribie? I'll drop the Nick & Bum issue if he's allowed back...
  9. sp0rk

    KVass in carboy need help

    that does look like yeast at the top, how long have you left it to ferment What was your cleaning/sanitising regime?
  10. sp0rk

    KVass in carboy need help

    It's a traditional North Eastern European (Russia/Slavic, Scandanavian, etc) drink, low alcohol, sweet & slightly sour I've made some from my late grandmother's recipes (1st generation Australian from White Russian parents) and love it I'll be making some more now it's getting warmer, it's very...
  11. sp0rk

    What are you listening to

    Seeing Ne Obliviscaris in Sydney next month, so they're on heavy rotation right now Also pretty chuffed that Rivers of Nihil are touring with them
  12. sp0rk

    Good old Coopers Yeast

    I did the tour in 2016 and the tour guide was a homebrewer, he told me that the bottles at that point the yeast in bottles was the same as the primary strain I also recall sometime around then that @DucatiBoyStu had done a Coopers beer dinner with Dr Tim and was told the same thing
  13. sp0rk

    Building stuff in the shed

    It's a pity that @DucatiBoyStu doesn't post here anymore, he bought himself a lathe and has turned up some knurled rollers for mills
  14. sp0rk

    Digiboil hacks

    Reading at the head of the column to control power is a very bad idea temps can fluctuate along the column, so this will lead to the boiler coming off boil, your reflux will drop and you'll get horrible smearing through your fractions You guys already sell the perfect solution, a voltage...